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After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Council- <br />member Wood, that Ordinance No. 934, to be read by title only and waiving further <br />reading thereof, approving the application of Amador Valley Investors to fezone from <br />the R-1-6500 (Single-Family Residential) District to the PUD (Planned Unit Develop- <br />ment) District and development plan approval for a l13-1ot, single-family residential <br />subdivision proposed to be built on an approximately 27 acre parcel located just easU <br />of the existing terminus of West Las Positas Boulevard, north of the Arroyo Mocho, <br />subject to conditions established by Planning Commission but modifying Condition #2 <br />of that approval to add the sentence "Said cash payment shall be made prior to <br />issuance of any building permits for structures on the subject property", and that <br />the extension of Pimlico from this property to the existing Pimlico Drive could con- <br />sist of a minimum of two 12' travel lanes with 2' shoulders on each side rather than <br />a full street section subject to final approval· by the Engineering Department, and <br />amending the Zoning Map of the City of Pleasanton accordingly, be introduced. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: 'C6u~C'ilmemberS Butler',' Kephart, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />Application of the City Council of the City. of Pleasanton to add Section 2-5.33. <br />Article 2,. ~n.a. amend Sect~0n 2%.7T21, Article ,9, C~ap~er. 2., Tit~ ~ o.f .~e ..9~din~nce <br />Code of the City of Pleasantgn and to add or amend other sections of the Code ~s .. <br />~e. cessary to regulate land uses invol~in~ .radioac~iye materials " <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report dated May 21, 19S0,' r~g'ardi~ t~iS' matt'at. ' <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in favor of or in opposition to this item, <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Wood. that <br />Ordinance No. 935. to be read by title only and waiving further reading thereof, <br />relating to "radioactive materials uses"amending Section 2-5.27~ Article 2 (Defini- <br />tions); Subsection 2-7.08(a) (Permitted and Conditional Uses), Article 8 ("C" Commer- <br />.cial Districts); and Section 2-7.21 (Conditional Uses), Article 9 ("I" Industrial <br />Districts) of Chapter 2 (Zoning), Title II (Zoning and Development) of the Ordinance <br />Code of the City of Pleasanton, be introduced. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Kephart, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> 'Mayor Mercer thanked Councilmember Butler for his assistance and expertise in <br />formulating this ordinance. <br /> <br />MATTERS CONTINUED FOR DECISION <br />Adoption of Ordinance No. 933, apprgvin8 .the application of Am~dor Valley Investors <br />to fezone from the R-1,6500 (SingleTFam~l.y Residential) District to the PUD (Planned <br />Unit Development) District and development plan approval for a 34-1ot~ ~in~le-fam.ily <br />residential subdivision ~roposed to be built on an approximately 9 acre parqel <br />located on the south side of Fairlands Drive opposite its intersection with Brockton <br />Drive and amendin~ the zonip~Map of the City of Pleasanton accordinSly <br />(Introduced 5-13-80, 4-Ayes, 1-Absent) <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that Ordinance No. 933 was introduced on May 13, 1980, by a <br />vote of 4-Ayes, 1-Absent, and that it was now in order to adopt this ordinance. <br /> <br /> 6. 5/27/80 <br /> <br /> <br />