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Mr. George Oakes, representing Amador Valley Investors, stated this development <br /> was started twelve years ago. He stated that the lot sizes had been increased in <br />...... compliance with the Planning Commission's request, and that the average lot size is <br /> 7,500 sq. ft. Mr. Oakes stated he had concerns about three conditions as follows: <br /> (1) Condition 2 - Mr. Oakes stated he felt it would be a long time before the bridge <br /> across the Arroyo Mocho at Martin Avenue would be needed and felt the money might be <br /> better spent on the Santa Rita bridge; (2) Condition 3 - Mr. Oakes stated that Pim- <br /> lico is not a major access road but the Planning Commission is asking for an exten- <br /> sion of Pimlico Drive from the subject property ot its existing location in the Great <br /> American Homes development. Mr. 0akes requested that there be a limitation placed <br /> on the width of the road and he recommended that consideration be given to putting <br /> in two traffic lanes and receive reimbursement when the property develops. He added <br /> that to require a full street at this time would be a waste of money; and (3) Condi- <br />C. tion 4 - Mr. Oakes stated this flood hazard condition places a burden on the developer <br />,~F and stated that it had not been required before and he did not feel it should be <br />~ added as a requirement to this application. Mr. Oakes concluded by stating that <br />· ~D these required improvements would add to the cost of each dwelling unit. He added <br />'~ that he would like to have the capital improvements considered at the time they would <br /> receive points under the Residential Allocation Program. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Quinn, 3864 West Lag Positas, stated he was not opposed to the proposal <br /> but was concerned about the increase in traffic that this project would generate. <br /> He requested Council to consider another outlet for traffic before approving the <br /> application. <br /> <br /> Mr. Oakes stated that Pimlico/Martin is the route he suggested out of the develop- <br /> ment and he felt a bridge is not necessary at this time. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Mercer declared the public he~ring closed <br /> on the application and the negative declaration. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer presented a letter from Jacquie Oliverius, President of Pleasanton <br /> Meadows Cabana Club, dated May 23, 1980, expressing concerns about the solitary <br /> exit via West Lag Positas and the over-crowding of the Cabana Club complex by re- <br /> quiring residents of the proposed ll3-homes to be members of theCabana Club. Mr. <br /> Oakes stated that two large pools had been built for this entire area and that all <br /> lands had the right to use these facilities through a covenent running with the land <br /> that relates to the association and use of facilities installed. The City Attorney <br /> advised that to condition the owner to modify a covenent running with the land would <br /> be questionable. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Wood, that <br /> Resolution No. 80-141, determining on the basis of a review of initial environmental <br /> study done for this project, that no significant environmental impact would occur as <br /> outlined in the City's guidelines and that a Negative Declaration is appropriate to <br /> rezone from the R-1-6500 (Single-Family Residential) District to the PUD (Planned Unit <br /> Development) District and development plan approval for a l13-1ot, single-family resi- <br /> dential subdivision proposed to be built on an approximately 27 acre parcel located <br /> just east of the existing terminus of West Lag Positas Boulevard, north of the Arroyo <br /> Mocho, be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Kephart, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> 5. 5/27/80 <br /> <br /> <br />