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Councilmember Mercer stated he was concerned that this proposed ordinance would <br />allow a development not yet constructed to be built in piece-meal fashion leaving <br />some areas of the project without the required improvements that Council had re- <br />quired of the total development at the time of approval. <br /> <br /> After considerable Council discussion the City Attorney advised that the pro- <br />posed ordinance could be revised to cover developments already built, and that <br />another similar ordinance could be drafted relating to developments yet to be <br />constructed. <br /> <br /> Council discussion ensued relative to continuing this item until the Council <br />meeting of April 22nd for additional information from the City Attorney. <br /> <br /> Mayor Brandes declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> Mr. Gil Barbee, Land Surveyor, 147 Bernal Avenue, requested that action be <br />taken on this item tonight. He cited the Safeway Shopping Center re-construction <br />as an example and stated that a month's delay of this project would have serious <br />adverse effects on the development. <br /> <br /> Mr. William Kovac, 3124 Weymouth Court, stated that much planning and effort <br />had gone into the proposed Fairlands Shopping Center and he was opposed to any <br />ordinance that would have any adverse effect on this development. <br /> <br /> After further discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded <br />by Councilmember Butler, that Ordinance No. 931, to be read by title only and <br />waiving further reading thereof, to amend Section 2-5.35 of Article 3, Chapter <br />2, Title II of the Ordinance Code of the City of Pleasanton to allow commercial <br />and industrial subdivisions without regard to the minimum site requirements after <br />a project has been built with minor changes to other sections made to conform to <br />the purposes and intent of this revision, be introduced. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Butler, Mercer, Wood, and Mayor Brandes <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilman Kephart <br /> <br /> The City Attorney advised he would prepare' a report on the commercial project <br />phasing and prepare a draft ordinance relating to commercial and industrial sub- <br />divisions not yet constructed, for review on April 22. <br /> <br />MATTERS CONTINUED FOR DECISION <br /> There were no matters continued for decision presented at this meeting. <br /> <br />SPECIAL REPORTS <br /> There were no Special Reports presented at this meeting. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />Actions Taken by the Plannin~ at their meetin~ of 3-12-80 <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report dated March 13, 1980, regarding this matter. <br />No actions was required or taken by Council on this item. <br /> <br />Actions Taken bX the Board of Ad. Justme_nE. and pesi~n Review Boerd. at'their meetin~ <br />of 3-13-80 <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report dated March 14, 1980, regarding this matter. <br />No action was required or taken by Council on this item. <br /> <br /> 7 3/25/e0 <br /> <br /> <br />