It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Mercer, that
<br /> Resolution No. 83-416, approving the application of Meyer Properties, Inc., for de-
<br /> sign review approval of an approximately 101,500 sq. ft. 3-story office building'and
<br /> related facilities, and an approximately 162,385 sq. ft. 4-story office building 59 ft.
<br /> in height at the top of the parapet with screening as shown in the revised plan, and
<br /> related facilities on the west side of Hopyard Road south and north of the intersection
<br /> of Morse Drive, subject to all conditions contained in Planning Commission Resolution
<br /> No. 2353, be adopted.
<br /> The roll call vote was as follows:
<br /> AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, and Mayor Butler
<br /> NOES: Councilmembers Mohr and Wood
<br /> ABSENT: None
<br />
<br /> Assessment District No. 1982-3, Meyer Center
<br /> (Contd. Open from 9-13-83)
<br /> Mr. Warnick presented his report (SR 83:399) dated September 22, 1983, regarding
<br /> this matter.
<br />
<br /> Mayor Butler declared the continued public hearing open on this item.
<br />
<br /> No one in the audience spoke in favor of or in opposition to the matter.
<br />
<br /> Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed.
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, that
<br />Resolution No. 83-417, amending Resolution Of Intention No. 83-303, in connection
<br />with Assessment District No. 1982-3, Meyer Center; Resolution No. 83-418, approving
<br />Report and Assessment and ordering improvement in connection with Assessment District
<br />No. 1982-3, Meyer Center; Resolution No. 83-419, determining assessments remaining
<br />unpaid in connection with Assessment District No. 1982-3, Meyer Center; Resolution
<br />No. 83-420, authorizing issuance of bonds in connection with Assessment District No.
<br />1982-3, Meyer Center; Resolution No. 83-421, ordering sale of bonds to Wulff, Hansen
<br />& Co., in connection with Assessment District No. 1982-3, Meyer Center; and Resolu-
<br />tion No. 83-422, approving reimbursement agreement in connection with Assessment Dis-
<br />trict No. 1982-3, Meyer Center, be adopted.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br />Adoption of Ordinance No. 1100, approving the application of Kinder Care Learning
<br />Centers, Inc., and Tracor/MBA for PUD (Planned Unit Development) modification and
<br />development plan approval to allow for the construction of an approximately 8~400
<br />sq. ft. daycare facility on an approximately .8 acre site located at the southwest
<br />corner of the intersection of Brockton Drive and Pimlico Drive (reaiigned)
<br />(Intro. 9-13-83, 3-Ayes, i-No, 1-Absent)
<br /> Mayor Butler stated that Ordinance No. 1100 was introduced on September 13, 1983,
<br />by a vote of 3-Ayes, 1-No, 1-Absent, and that it was now in order to adopt the ordinance.
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, that
<br />Ordinance No. 1100, approving the application of Kindot Care Learning Centers, Inc.,
<br />and Tracor/MBA for PUD (Planned Unit Development) modification and development plan
<br />approval to allow for the construction of an approximately 8,400 sq. ft. daycare
<br />facility on an approximately .8 acre site located at the southwest corner of the
<br />intersection of Brockton Drive and Pimlico Drive (realigned), be adopted.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:-
<br />AYES: .... Councilme~bers Mercer, ~ohr, and Mayor Butler
<br />NOES: Councilmember Brandes
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />ABSTAINED:Counci!member Wood 7. 9/27/83
<br />
<br />
<br />