:" 227: -I
<br />
<br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Council-
<br />member Wood, instructing staff to prepare a report regarding proposals, costs, and
<br />scope of work fop a consultant to conduct a review of the vehicular, pedestrian and
<br />bike access into the Sports Park, and a recommendation for best solution to the pro-
<br />blems that exist.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr~ Wood, and Mayor Butler
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br /> There were no public hearings scheduled for this meeting.
<br />
<br />Application of Gus Enterprises and Prudential Insurance Company for PUD (Planned Unit
<br />Development)-development plan approval of an approximately 105,998 sq. ft. hotel and
<br />related facilities including a 468 seat restaurant on an approximately seven acre site
<br />located at the northeast corner of Hopyard Road and Gibraltar Drive. Zoning for the
<br />property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) C-F (Commercial FFeeway) District
<br />(Contd. from 8-9-83)
<br /> Mayor Butler stated this item was continued from the meeting of August 9, 1983, to
<br />allow the developer to consider the added condition relative to requiring $50,000 be
<br />paid at the time building permits are issued, to be used for furnishing and/or equip-
<br />ment for relocated Fire Station No. 2.
<br />
<br /> Councilmember Brandes stated that he had added this condition to insure that ade-
<br />quate capital improvements are provided at the cost of the developer, not the taxpayer.
<br />He stated that after receipt of the report of the City Attorney (item 13a on the agenda)
<br />showing that mechanisms do exist to insure that industrial development in the north
<br />Pleasanton area does pay its way, he is satisfied that this condition is not necessary.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Jack Swanson, representing Prudential Insurance Company, stated he had nothing
<br />to add to the report presented at the last meeting.
<br />
<br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Council-
<br />member Mercer, that OrdinanCe No. 1099, to be read by title only and waiving further
<br />reading thereof, approving Case PUD-83-13, application of Gus Enterprises and Pruden-
<br />tial Insurance Company for PUD (Planned Unit Development)-development plan approval of
<br />an approximately 105,998 sq. ft. hotel and related facilities including a 468 seat
<br />restaurant on an approximately seven acre site located at the northeast corner of
<br />Hopyard Road and Gibraltar Drive, subject to all recommendations and conditions set
<br />forth in Staff Report 83:317 dated August 1, 1983, be introduced.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br />Adoption of Ordinance No. 1097~ establishin5 the speed limit on Division Street
<br />between Del Valle Parkway to St. Marys ~reet~ at 30 M.P.H.
<br />(Intro. 8-9-83, 4-Ayes, 1-Absent)
<br /> Mayor Butler stated that Ordinance No. 1097 was introduced on August 9, 1983, by
<br />a vote of 4-Ayes, 1-Absent, and that it was now in order to adopt the ordinance.
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, that
<br />Ordinance No. 1097, establishing the speed limit on Division Street between Del Valle
<br />Parkway to St. Marys Street at 30 M.P.H., be adopted.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br /> 5. 8/23/83
<br />
<br />
<br />