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Mayor Butler presented a letter from Jack Hovingh, 4250 Muirwood Drive, dated <br /> August 1, 1983, supporting approval of the construction of the hotel to be part of <br /> the Sheraton chain and to be located in the Hacienda Business Park. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Mayor <br /> Butler, to introduce the draft ordinance, including staff recommended conditions, <br /> with an added condition requiring the developer to contribute $50,000 at the time <br /> building permits are issued to be used for furnishings and/or equipment for relocated <br /> Fire Station No. 2, because of the added burden this project will place upon the <br /> Pleasanton Fire Department, particularly with respect to overnight guests and large <br /> numbers of people in the meeting rooms. <br /> <br /> Mr. Roger Gage, representing Prudential Insurance Company, advised that Pruden- <br />tial is not the developer, and that he was unable to speak on behalf of the developer <br />relative to the added condition. He requested this item be continued to the meeting <br />of August 23, 1983, to allow Gus Enterprises time to consider the condition. <br /> <br /> After further discussion concerning the proposed added condition and possible <br />adoption of a development impact fee for commercial/industrial projects, this item <br />was continued to the meeting of August 23, 1983, 8:00 P.M., in the Pleasanton Council <br />Chambers. <br /> <br />Review by the City Council of the design of an approximateA~ .~5,709 sq. ft. industrial/ <br />office building and related facilities on an approximately three acre site located at <br />the southwest corner of Willow Road and Stoneridge Drive. Zoning for the property is <br />I-G (General Industrial) District <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:318) dated August 1, 1983, regarding this <br />matter. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler declared the public hearing open on this item. He stated'that com- <br />ments presented on the previous item would be considered relevant to this matter also <br />and would be incorporated by reference into this project's record. <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Fee, Fee and Munson, architects for this project, presented the site plan. <br />He stated it would be an office building for a single user and would have maximum land- <br />scaping. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in opposition to this item. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Councilmember Brandes, that <br />the City Council make the following findings: (1) that Council has read and considered <br />the EIR prepared for the overall Hacienda Business Park Project; (2) that the environ- <br />mental effects of the project are adequately covered by the prior Hacienda EIR and, in <br />fact, overstate the potential impacts because the full Hacienda Business Park cannot <br />be built without a General Plan change; (3) that the potential cumulative environmental <br />effects are thoseenumerated in the draft Exhibit "B" Ofthe staff report but that the <br />conditions of approval minimize these effects and any remaining effects are outweighed <br />by the projects benefits, all as enumerated in the staff report, attachments, and testi- <br />mony given at this meeting; and (4) that based on the best estimate of the jobs/housing <br />balance in Pleasanton given development of this project and all other approved projects, <br />the project is consistent with the balanced growth policies contained in the Growth <br />Management Element of the General Plan and is also consistent with all other policies <br />of the General Plan; and that the draft resolution, with the technical amendments indi- <br />cated earlier by the Assistant City Attorney to Section 5 and Exhibit A, approving Case <br />Z-83-138, the design of an approximately 45,709 sq. ft. industrial/office building and <br />related facilities on an approximately three acre site located at the southwest corner <br /> <br /> 9o 8/9/83 <br /> <br /> <br />