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Mr. Chris Beratlis, 425 Main Street, owner of the building, stated he has been <br /> in touch with all surrounding property owners to discuss possible use of their park- <br /> ing lots when these lots are not in use by their owners and customers. He requested <br /> that Condition No. 2, as set forth by the Planning Commission, be removed. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lori Scott Venter, owner of Scotland Yard on Rose Avenue, representing the <br />Pleasanton Downtown Association, stated this group supports the application for this <br />type of restaurant at 929-B Main Street, and would encourage Council to approve the <br />application. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in opposition to the item. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler stated that Councilmember Mercer had reqaested consideration of <br />this appeal at the last Council meeting. He advised that Councilmember Mercer had <br />contacted him this date requesting that the item not be continued tonight because <br />of his absence from this meeting. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Council- <br />member Wood, that Resolution No. 83-344, denying the appeal by the City Council of a <br />decision of the Planning Commission; making the following findings: (1) that the pro- <br />posed location of the conditional use is in accord with the objectives of this chapter <br />and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; (2) that the proposed <br />location of the conditional use and the conditions under which it would be operated <br />or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or be <br />materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity; and (3) that the <br />proposed conditional use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of this <br />chapter; and approving the application of Chris Beratlis for conditional use permit <br />approval to operate a 940 sq. ft. "take-out" restaurant at 929-B Main Stre~t~ subject <br />to conditions established in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2325, but deleting <br />Condition No. 2 - "That this use permit shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission <br />within one year", be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Mercer <br /> <br />Application of Gus Enterprises and Prudential Insurance CompanX for PUD (Planned Unit <br />Development)-development plan approval of an approximately 105~998 sq. ft. hotel and <br />related facilities including a 468 seat restaun2ant on an approximately seven acre <br />site located at the northeast corner of Hopyard Road and Gibraltar Drive. Zoning for <br />[he property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) C-~ (Commercial Freeway) District <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:317) dated August 1, 1983, regarding this <br />matter. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler declared the public hearing open on this item. <br /> <br /> Mr. Roger Gage, representing Prudential Insurance Company, stated that project <br />architects would present design plans for each of the three applications being con- <br />sidered tonight. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler stated for the record that zoning districts on the three Prudential <br />applications are those existing prior to approval of the now rescinded Harienda Busi- <br />ness Park PUD. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bruce Ross, architect for the Sheraton Inn project, presented drawings of the <br />proposed project, stating there will be 168 rooms in the hotel and that a restaurant <br />and meeting rooms will be included. He stated the structure will be low profile in <br />design. 7. 8/9/83 <br /> <br /> <br />