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123 <br /> <br /> Mr. Phillip Baker, 6206 Paseo Santa Cruz, operator of a business in Livermore <br />but residing in Pleasanton, stated he is concerned about traffic and the types of <br />businesses that will be using the buildings. He urged Council to take a careful <br />look at what will occur in Pleasanton in the future. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed <br />on the application and the negative declaration. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald made three points. First, he responded to Mr. Ebright's question <br />which was "What is the rush?" Mr. MacDonald stated that the City cannot approve any <br />project unless that project is consistent with the general plan. The courts have held <br />that a city cannot make the finding of general plan consistency unless that city has <br />a legally adequate general plan. The court in the Twain Harte case concluded that any <br />general plan which does not include numerical standards for population density and <br />building intensity for general plan parcels within lands covered by the general plan <br />is not a legally adequate general plan. The City has no choice but to comply with <br />that legal mandate. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald further stated that California general plan statutes permit only <br />three amendments per year to the land use element. He stated that if the City does <br />not make this amendment to the general plan now, any project approved by the City <br />between now and December would be subject to legal challenge. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald stated that his second point was related to environmental concerns <br />which were raised at the hearing. The numbers used in the proposed general plan amend- <br />ment merely permit what is currently permitted under the general plan and zoning ordi- <br />nances of this City. The environmental impacts of adopting the proposed standards <br />are exactly identical with the environmental impacts of postponing the adoption of <br />these standards. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald stated his third point that the result when the City Council post- <br />poned amendments to the balanced growth goal of the general plan on June 8, 1982, at <br />the request of Paul Ebright, Bob Pearson, and others, that didn't prevent another <br />group named Citizens for Balanced Growth from getting the decision to approve Hacienda <br />Business Park overturned because that amendment had been postponed. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald asked Mr. Altschul to come to the mike. Mr. MacDonald asked if Mr. <br />Altschul was willing to stipulate in writing on behalf of the Citizens for Balanced <br />Growth that no question about the legal adequacy of the City of Pleasanton General <br />Plan, other than with respect to the growth management element, would be raised when <br />the reapproval of Hacienda Business Park goes back to court. Mr. Altschul answered <br />that he thought not but that he couldn't guarantee it. Mr. MacDonald asked if that <br />meant that Citizens for Balanced Growth would not give up the right to go into court <br />and contend that the City has a legally inadequate general plan because the City didn't <br />adopt the Twain Harte amendment. Mr. Altschul responded that he couldn't guarantee <br />anything. Mr. A!tschul pointed out that in view of the fact that the City has com- <br />missioned a general plan review it would be very inconsistent for a judge to rule <br />against the city since the city is working toward the goal of a general plan change <br />which would probably incorporate the Twain Harte amendment. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mercer objected to the questioning of Mr. Altschul by Mr. MacDonald, <br />stating he felt it was out of order. Mr. MacDonald replied that the questions were <br />asked in the hope that, having asked the Council to withdraw from taking action, that <br />perhaps Mr. Altschul was willing to make a commitment. <br /> <br /> Mr. Harris assured Council that this amendment created no substantial changes to <br />the development proposals. <br /> <br /> 11. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />