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· 125 <br /> <br /> Mr. Bruce Baker, 2398 Sandpiper Way, member of the General Plan Review Committee, <br />addressed the Committee's concern relative to traffic, stating that Pleasanton should <br />plan properly so as not to become another Sunnyvale or Santa Clara. <br /> <br /> Mr. Curt Altschul, 5324 Calle Altamira, member of the General Plan Review Committee, <br />addressed the issue of water and sewer capacity, stating that the City should not allow <br />an overgrowth. He stated there is concern about the City's ability to provide adequate <br />water and sewer service. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bob Pearson, 3590 Churchill Court, member of the Steering Committee of the <br />General Plan Review Committee, reviewed the Committee's concerns regarding air quality, <br />sewer, water, and roads. He asked Council not to pass this general plan amendment <br />until such time as the General Plan Review Committee has made their recommendation to <br />Council, which he felt was only proper. He stated the problem is with the zoning ordi- <br />nance rather than the general plan. He stated that a full Environmental Impact Report <br />should be prepared relative to this matter; the negative declaration is inadequate <br />because of public controversy and increased density. Mr. Pearson concluded by stating <br />that if this general plan amendment is approved then he felt it is a waste of time to <br />continue the General Plan Review Committee study. <br /> <br /> Mr. Harold Dixon, 4066 Suffolk Way, stated this is a major change in the City's <br />planning and he did not feel it had been given adequate public notice. He questioned <br />the accuracy of the staff report. He cited a newspaper article stating that staff had <br />a problem with the Twain Harte decision and validity of the ordinance. He stated he <br />felt that to change the ordinance now to be in compliance with the Twain Harte deci- <br />sion and then to correct it later would be to engage in a sham. He requested Council <br />to defer approval of this amendment and to allow the Advisory Committee to make recom- <br />mendations. <br /> <br /> Ms. Emily Carson, 2574 Skimmer Court, member of the General Plan Review Committee, <br />stated that this committee has worked for months on a study and she felt Council should <br />not make a decision on the subject general plan amendment until after completion of <br />the study and recommendation by the committee; to do otherwise would be a slap in the <br />face of the committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ed Roquette, 3436 Windsor Court, President of Pleasanton Meadows Homeowners <br />Association, stated he is concerned about changes taking place in Pleasanton recently; <br />that growth is not always good. He stated that once major approvals are made they <br />cannot be refutted, the damage is done and the community will never be the same. He <br />urged Council to listen to the General Plan Review Committee, and wait a little longer <br />to get total input. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Graziadei, 3955 Churchill Drive, stated that the City's motto of "City <br />of Planned Progress" is rapidly becoming the "City of Planned Congestion and Pollu- <br />tion"o He urged Council not the change the general plan to suit the needs of the <br />developers but change it to fit the needs of the people of Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lee Henderson, 2870 Foothill Road, asked Council to listen to the citizens <br />and wait to make any decision until after completion of the General Plan Review study. <br /> <br /> Mr. Steve Hughes, 587 Touriga Court, member of the General Plan Review Committee, <br />urged Council to listen to the General Plan Review Committee, but felt there was a <br />good chance they would not. <br /> <br /> Ms. Lois Ertel, 3959 Fairlands Drive, member of the General Plan Review Committee, <br />protested the general plan amendment change, and requested that no change be made <br />until after completion of the General Plan Review Committee's study. <br /> <br /> 10. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />