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121 <br /> <br /> After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded <br /> by Mayor Butler, that Resolution No. 83-310, determining on the basis of a review of <br /> initial environmental study done for this project, that no significant environmental <br /> impact would occur as outlined in the City's guidelines and that a negative declara- <br /> tion is appropriate to amend the general plan land use element to include specific <br /> reference to residential population densities and commercial/industrial land use in- <br /> tensities in accord with the recent decision in Twain Harte Homeowners Association, <br /> Inc., v. County of Tuolemne, be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Brandes <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated that in view of the comments of members of the General <br /> Plan Review Committee, she would like to see some compromise language added that would <br /> mandate and assure that this item would be brought back to the City Council after com- <br /> pletion of the General Plan Review Committee study; that action taken tonight would <br /> be temporary to comply with standards of the state. She stated the City Attorney has <br /> advised Council that not to adopt this general plan amendment change would leave the <br /> City in a vulnerable position which she felt was not wise, therefore she would be <br /> voting in favor of the amendment. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mercer stated he felt the citizens committee is doing a fine job <br /> and that he looks forward to getting a good clear report. He stated the City Attorney <br /> has asked for protection to not allow the City open to legal confrontation, and this <br /> change being requested tonight does not alter what is already in effect. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler assured the General Plan Review Committee that the Council intends <br /> to consider very carefully the study being prepared by this committee. He advised <br /> _ that with regard to projects that will come up between now and when this matter is <br /> again considered, the same standar~ will be applied as have been applied in the past; <br /> that there will not be any changes as a result of this amendment, <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wood stated he hoped the members of the General Plan Review Committee <br /> realized that this is about the best compromise for the City. <br /> <br /> After further discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by <br /> Councilmember Wood, that Resolution No. 83-312, approving the application of the City <br /> of Pleasanton to amend the general plan land use element to include specific reference <br /> to residential population densities and commercial/industrial land use intensities in <br /> accord with the recent decision in Twain Harte Homeowners Association, Inc., v. County <br /> of Tuolemne; using the 1980 census figures showing a household count of 3.0 persons <br /> per household rather than 3.6 persons per household, finding this change to be in- <br /> substantial in nature; and directing the staff that this matter again be considered <br /> at the first general plan amendment review after completion of the study being pre- <br /> pared by the General Plan Review Committee, be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmembers Brandes <br /> <br /> Council instructed staff to write a letter to the General Plan Review Committee <br /> informing them of the action taken relative to the general plan and its consequences, <br />· and thanking the Committee for their efforts on the study and urging them to continue <br /> to its completion. <br /> <br /> 12. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />