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127 <br /> <br /> Application of the City of Pleasanton to amend the general plan land use element to <br /> include specific reference to residential population densities and commercial/indus- <br /> trial land use intensities in accord with the recent decision in Twain Harte Home- <br /> owners Association, Inc., v. County of Tuolemne <br /> <br /> Consider Adoption of Negative Declaration <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:298) dated July 21, 1983, regarding this <br /> matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald asked that he be given an opportunity to evaluate any contentions <br /> relating to legal matters. Council concurred to allow the City Attorney to do so. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler declared the public hearing open on the application and the negative <br /> declaration. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in favor of this item. <br /> <br /> The following persons spoke in opposition to the matter: <br /> <br />('~ Mr. Bob Reid, 4525 Miradot Drive, member of the Steering Committee of the General <br />Cf] Plan Review Committee, stated that a letter had been sent to Council from Mr. John <br />' Innes, Chairman of the Industrial General Plan Review Steering Committee, requesting <br />~[ that action be deferred on this item until after completion of the study being con- <br /> ducted by this committee, which should be within 2-3 months. Mr. Reid requested <br /> Council to postpone decision on any amendment to the General Plan as it relates to <br /> Twain Harte for the following reasons: (1) the California Governor's Office of Plan- <br /> ning and Research is not aware of any general plans in the State which have been <br /> amended to conform with the Twain Harte Court's interpretation of state law, there- <br /> fore little evidence exists which suggests the need for urgency in complying with the <br />-- December 1982 Court decision; (2) the Committee, in evaluating the effects of job <br /> growth on the distribution of land uses in Pleasanton, may recommend specific densi- <br /> ties on these seven parcels, we believe that GP-83-3 pre-empts the Committee's recom- <br /> mendations as outlined in the "Revised Table of Floor Area Limitations by General Plan <br /> Classification"; (3) Twain Harte determined that land use densities are critical in <br /> planning for city-wide circulation and other community facilities. As the Committee <br /> is specifically charged with analyzing these facilities, the establishment of land use <br /> densities prior to Committee findings would be premature. <br /> <br /> Mr, Paul Ebright, 5416 Blackbird, member of the Steering Committee, stated he <br /> concurred with the comments of Mr. Reid. He stated that development is going forth <br /> at a rampant pace and it is now time to stop and see where we are. He stated that <br /> industrial development is causing high pressures for residential development. He <br /> asked what is the rush and why are densities so high. He stated there seems to be <br /> a communication problem. He questioned the density figures set forth in the staff <br /> report. He stated he did not feel density numbers should be changed, otherwise the <br /> Committee would have to start over on their study with the new density figures. <br /> <br /> Mr. Gerald Goudreau, 5451 Corte Paloma, member of the General Plan Review Steer- <br /> ing Committee, addressed Council regarding the Committee's concern relative to resi- <br /> dential density, stating they did not want to start over with new density numbers. <br /> He stated it is important that citizens and developers know what the housing situa- <br /> tion is in Pleasanton. He requested that a simple table be added to the general plan <br /> showing the growth rate, using 1980 census figures. Mr. Goudreau elaborated on local <br /> density impact, overall capacity, upgrade of densities, and the spirit of Twain Harte. <br /> <br /> Mr. Richard Sawicki, 7722 Forsythia, member of the General Plan Review Committee, <br /> addressed the issue of air quality, stating that increased industrial and residential <br /> growth will adversely affect air quality in the valley. <br /> <br /> 9. 7/26/83 <br /> <br /> <br />