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Mayor Butler stated the issue boils down to a matter of density. He stated he <br /> could find no great fault with the project except for people being opposed to the <br /> density. He stated he felt this project meets all the normal requirements of a high <br /> density project and is properly designed. He stated he favors the project at 126 <br /> units and the bonus is that it makes the units more affordable, and provides housing <br /> that is needed in Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wood stated he voted against the Orloff project because of adverse <br /> traffic impacts, and would be voting against this project because of quantity. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated she felt the project developer deserves direction from <br />Council as to what is appropriate for the community. She stated she will be voting <br />against denial of the appeal and feels we are moving in the wrong direction. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Wood, that <br />Resolution No. 83-209, denying the appeal and disapproving the application of Meadow <br />Plaza Associates for PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoning and development plan <br />approval for a 126 unit multi-family residential complex on an approximately six <br />acre site located east of the Exxon Station at the southeast corner of West Las Posi- <br />tas Boulevard and Santa Rita Road, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, and Wood <br />NOES: Councilmember Mohr and Mayor Butler <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> No action was taken on the Negative Declaration because of the action taken above <br />relative to the appeal and application. <br /> <br /> Mr. Harris advised that the P.U.D. which remains on the property for a commercial <br />center is now inconsistent with the General Plan designation for the property which <br />is high-density residential. This should be corrected as soon as possible to be in <br />conformance with the General Plan. <br /> <br />Application of Kamp, Crouch, Kral, and Castlewood Properties,.. Inc., for PUD (Planned <br />Unit Development) development plan approval for a 340 unit medium density residential <br />project on approximately 60 acres located at the northeast corner of Oakland and Mohr <br />Avenues. Zoning for the property is PUD (Planned Unit Development) Medium Density <br />Residential District <br /> <br />Consider Adoption of Negative Declaration <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:177) dated May 16, 1983, regarding PUD-83-8. <br />There were also supplement reports relative to this issue from the Director of Public <br />Works and the Director of Recreation and Human Resources. <br /> <br /> Mr. Art Dunkley, representing Castlewood Properties, presented the Mohr Park <br />project plans and the Mohr-Martin five acre park at the northwest corner of the pro- <br />perty. Mr. Dunkley requested that condition No. 70 be amended to work out a solution <br />to the maintenance of the park without going through an assessment district, such as <br />a homeowners association. He asked that the condition be modified to provide for <br />creation of eight zero lot size units for the park feature if a maintenance district <br />could not legally be formed. He stated he concurs with the remainder of conditions <br />for approval as established by staff. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in opposition to this item. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Butler declared the public hearing closed <br />on the application and the negative declaration. <br /> <br /> 9. 5/24/83 <br /> <br /> <br />