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Mr. Desmond Worth, 3136 Churchill Drive, stated he had concerns about the inter- <br />section at the Fire Station, and felt that traffic would be increased dramatically <br />by this project. He stated he felt there are already too many multi-family resi- <br />dences in this area, he cited approximately 665 units at this time. He added he <br />felt the proposed project should be located in another area of the city. <br /> <br /> Mr. Ray Oliva, 3109 Camden Court, stated he felt this project would attract <br />investors and be used as rentals. He stated that density of 21-22-26 units per <br />acre is not reasonable. He stated he felt threatened by the speaker who stated <br />that if this project is not built then commercial may be built. He concluded by <br />stating he felt 15-18 units per acre would provide a good quality of life. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cliff Varney, 3196 Thistledown Court, stated that Pleasanton is a great place <br />to live and he did not feel there should be such a great rush for approval of condo- <br />miniums and apartments; there should be more than one alternative for getting housing <br />in this city. He opposed 21 units per acre density. <br /> <br /> Ms. Eunice Langendorff, 3188 Thistledown Court, stated that zero lot line housing <br />had nice plans and was affordable, such as those being constructed on Valley Avenue. <br />She expressed concern regarding schools, stating that with the closeing of Pleasanton <br />School the other schools would be more crowded. She stated that lowering the density <br />of this project would lower the number of children that would need school services. <br />She also expressed concern regarding balconies on the proposed project overlooking <br />residences on Weymouth Court. She added she felt the proposed project would decrease <br />the value of the homes in this area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Kierstead rebutted the concerns of the opponents, stating that with regard to <br />the park system this project would generate $176,000 in park dedication fees. Mr. <br />Kierstead stated he was not responsible for the brochures printed for the project in <br />Phoenix; and it was his recollection that the density for that project was 27 units <br />per acre. He stated the Spanish Oakes project is faced inward and will not overlook <br />homes on Weymouth Court. He advised that with the soundwall and landscaping there <br />should not be a problem between the project and Weymouth Court residences. He stated <br />the investment figures cited by Mr. Houston were appropriate as well as the comment <br />of Mr. Watkins relative to a shopping center being constructed if this project is not <br />approved. Mr. Kierstead stated he felt it is the responsibility of the community to <br />identify early on what they want in their neighborhood; and that he is now totally <br />committed to the high density package. Mr. Kierstead requested that the Mayor ask <br />for a show of those in the audience in support of the proposed project. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler asked those ~n favor of this issue to stand. Approximately 20 <br />people in the audience stood in favor of the item. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Butler' declared the public hearing closed <br />on the application and the negative declaration. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mercer stated it is difficult to operate under all of the government <br />rules and regulations that deal with discrimination of housing as to how, when, and <br />where such housing should be provided. He stated this particular decision is diffi- <br />cult because the property has been zoned from residential to commercial and now back <br />to residential, and because of Council's lack of input from residents of the area as <br />to their preference for type of development. He stated he would vote his conscious. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he has always been in opposition to this development <br />and felt the density is too high. <br /> <br /> 8. 5/24/83 <br /> <br /> <br />