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It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Mercer, that <br />Resolution No. 83-210, determining on the basis of a review of initial environmental <br />study done for this project, that no significant environmental impact would occur as <br />outlined in the City's guidelines and that a negative declaration is appropriate for <br />PUD (Planned Unit Development) development plan approval for a 340 unit medium density <br />residential project owned by Kamp, Crouch, Kral, and Castlewood Properties, Inc., on <br />approximately 60 acres located at the northeast corner of Oakland and Mohr Avenues, <br />be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, that <br />Ordinance No. 1086, to be read by title only and waiving further reading thereof, <br />approving the application of Kamp, Crouch, Kral, and Castlewood Properties, Inc., for <br />PUD (Planned Unit Development) development plan approval for a 340 unit medium density <br />residential project on approximately 60 acres located at the northeast corner of Oak- <br />land and Mohr Avenues, subject to the conditions contained in Planning Commission <br />Resolution No. 2300, but amending conditions Nos. 63, 64, and 65 as follows: <br /> <br />Condition No. 63. That, if required by the City, the developer design and install <br /> street improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to <br /> extend the primary north-south street within the development from <br /> its then existing terminus to a connection with "Trenery Drive" <br /> (the 84 ft. wide street intersecting Santa Rita Road). This <br /> extension would be required concurrent with the filing of a final <br /> map for any lots in the final one-third of the total development. <br /> The required improvements shall provide for at least one vehicular <br /> traveled way in each direction and for bicycle and pedestrian <br /> traffic. If off-site work is completed as a result of this con- <br /> dition, a reimbursement agreement (Mutual Benefit District) will <br /> be established to reimburse the developer from the proceeds of <br /> street improvement obligations of intervening property owners. <br /> <br />Condition No. 64. That the developer design and install street frontage improvements, <br /> to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, across the entire Mohr <br /> Avenue frontage of this development and across the frontage of the <br /> adjacent Sheffield parcel. These improvements shall provide for <br /> one vehicular traveled way in each direction, either a combined <br /> bicycle/pedestrian way separated from the vehicle lanes or one <br /> on-street bicycle path in each direction and a separate pedestrian <br /> sidewalk, curb and gutter along the north side of the street, a <br /> screen wall along the north right-of-way line, underground utili- <br /> ties as required, traffic control devices as required, and minimum <br /> maintenance landscaping. <br /> <br />Condition No. 65. That the developer design and install interim street improvements <br /> on Mohr Avenue from the western property boundary of the Kamp parcel <br /> to the existing improvements on Mohr Avenue. These improvements <br /> shall be installed at the time of construction of the first unit of <br /> this development; shall provide for safe access for vehicles, <br /> bicycles, and pedestrians from this development; shall be completed <br /> to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; and shall provide for one <br /> vehicular traveled way in each direction and either a combined or <br /> separate bike/ped ways. <br /> <br /> 10. 5/24/83 <br /> <br /> <br />