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"We, the undersigned., presently reside in Pleasanton Meadows. <br /> <br /> "We are interested in the proposed high density condominium project that is <br /> currently being considered for approval by the City of Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> "We understand that the owner has invested a large amount of capital in the <br /> property, and has a right to proceed in developing this asset to the best <br /> possible use. <br /> <br /> "We are anxious to have the property developed to remove an "eye sore" from <br /> our neighborhood and the community. <br /> <br /> "We are very concerned that the property be developed in a responsible manner <br /> with full consideration of the impact on existing property owners, future <br /> residents of the development and the surrounding community. <br /> <br /> "We have prepared the attached summary of questions, objections, and proposals <br /> for your review. They are the result of careful consideration for our community, <br /> in which we take a great deal of pride and interest. <br /> <br /> "We appreciate your careful and thorough consideration of this matter, since <br /> the 625 homes in Pleasanton Meadows area represents a substantial number of <br /> Pleasanton's residents. <br /> <br /> "We are in agreement with the statements of City Planning Commissioners <br /> Jamieson and Doherty, "...that this project is too dense and would like to <br /> see 10 to 15 units per acre", stated at the March 9th Planning Commission <br /> Meeting!!" <br /> <br /> Mr. Roquette stated this petition is the result of a grass roots action of the <br />local residents, not just the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association. He <br />read excerpts from the Planning Commission meeting minutes relative to approved <br />density for this project. He stated that the residents of Pleasanton Meadows are <br />proud of their neighborhood and park system, and would like to maintain the same high <br />quality of living that they now enjoy. He cited concerns regarding children walking <br />to school, crime, Hyde Park vacancy rate, traffic, and noise. He concluded by stat- <br />ing he felt the property should be developed but that 10-15 units per acre would be <br />the highest density appropriate for this location. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler asked 'those in the audience who supported the comments of Mr. <br />Roquette to stand. Approximately 30-40 people stood in support of Mr. Roquette's <br />presentation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Quinn, 3864 West Las Positas, stated he was recently in Phoenix to look <br />at a housing project that was constructed by the subject developer and was not happy <br />with what he saw. He quoted from a brochure that the ~rea would enhance the project', <br />not the project enhancing the neighborhood. He presented the brochure to Council for <br />their review. He stated the density is too high for the proposed Pleasanton project <br />and he felt that 15-16 units per acre would be the maximum acceptable. He stated <br />that Pleasanton Meadows is being boxed in with condominiums and other multi-family <br />projects. <br /> <br /> Mr. Harold Dixon, 4066 Suffolk Way, representing himself, asked about zoning and <br />density regulations for the city. He stated that 18 units per acre sDeaks louder <br />than anything he could say. <br /> <br /> 7. 5/24/83 <br /> <br /> <br />