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321 <br /> <br /> Transmittal of 1983-84 Operating Budget and Three-Year Cap.ital Improvement Program <br /> Mr. Walker presented the 1983-84 Operating Budget and Three-Year Capital Improve- <br /> ment Program, and stated that budget sessions would be set up for Council to review <br /> these documents. <br /> <br /> Matters for the Information of the Council <br /> Mr. Harris presented his Information Report (IR 83:12) dated May 16, 1983, trans- <br /> mitting the Alameda County Fair Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. No action was <br /> required or taken by Council regarding this matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Walker presented his Information Report (IR 83:13) dated May 18, 1983, regard- <br /> ing sewer capacity review. No action was required or taken by Council regarding this <br /> matter. <br /> <br /> Dublin Canyon Road Improvements, Assessment District 1982-1 <br /> Mr. Warnick presented his report (SR 83:205) dated May 23, 1983, regarding this <br />matter. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded by Council- <br />member Butler, that Resolution No. 83-219, approving in concept the inclusion, by <br />change order, in the construction contract for subject Assessment District the con- <br />struction of an additional approach lane at the southwest corner of the intersection <br />of Foothill Road and Dublin Canyon Road; directing staff to take the necessary action <br />to obtain an appraisal of the additional right-of-way and to negotiate for its acqui- <br />sition; directing the Engineer-of-Work to prepare the necessary drawings and specifi- <br />cations for the proposed contract change order; directing the staff to negotiate a <br />price for the additional construction work; and directing staff to strongly encourage <br />use of TSM procedures by all businesses in the area and to investigate and report back <br />to Council on the desirability of enacting a trip reduction ordinance, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />REPORTS OF THE CITY ATTORNEY (Contd.) <br />Consider Modification of Low Income Exemption to G~owth Management Program <br /> This item was considered with item 12a under Reports of the City Manager on this <br />agenda. <br /> <br />AppFjval of Agreement with Valley Plaza Associates for Santa Rita Road Access <br /> Mr. MacDonald presented hi~ report (SR 83:199) dated May 18, 1983, regarding <br />this matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Ferreri, representing Valley Plaza Associates II, stated that negotia- <br />tions for vehicular access to the project had been on-going for the last five months <br />and had not yet been successfully completed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Duncan Matteson, representing Valley Plaza Associates II, stated that <br />everything possible is being done to obtain this right-of-way. He consented to <br />a three week period specified in the contract to allow additional time to complete <br />the negotiations with the owners of the E1 Rancho Motel. <br /> <br /> Mr. William Hirst, Attorney, 147 Bernal Avenue, representing Mr. Patel, owner <br />of the E1 Rancho Motel, stated that Mr. Patel intends to resist acquisition of his <br />property by Valley Plaza Associates II. He stated that although Mr. Patel is aware <br />that the City has ways to acquire the property, it is his feeling that he needs the <br />property in order to expand his business and that any reduction of his property will <br />not allow him to do this. Mr. Hirst suggested that Tanager Court be used as the <br /> <br /> 20. B/24/83 <br /> <br /> <br />