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3.23 <br /> <br /> Ms. Dagmar Fulton, 4536 Miradot Drive, Chairperson for the Building Committee <br /> of the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society, reviewed the history of the Old <br /> City Hall building, and stated she felt it is appropriate to allow the Historical <br /> Society to preserve the building and use it as a Museum, adding that it will maintain <br /> a certain atmosphere and charm in the main part of town, She urged Council to retain <br /> the building for this use. <br /> <br /> Ms. Betty Statlings, 4302 Muirwood Drive, representing the Valley Volunteer <br /> Bureau, strongly recommended use of the annex building by the Valley Volunteer <br /> Bureau for human services programs. She requested use of the building at a minimal <br /> lease fee. She reviewed the various programs of the Valley Volunteer Bureau, stating <br /> that it is a vital service in the community and the valley. She stated this group <br /> has been using the Police Training Building on Kottinger Street for the last five <br /> years but now need more space. She advised they have acquired some equipment that <br /> needs to be housed in larger and safer quarters, and at times they need temporary <br /> office space for other human service programs in the valley. Mrs. Staltings presented <br /> a petition, sign by 15 agencies in the valley, which read as follows: <br /> <br /> "We the undersigned are very supportive of the Volunteer Centers move to the <br /> house on Division Street currently used as an annex for the Pleasanton Police. <br /> The Volunteer Center provides all non-profits tremendously valuable resources <br /> to assist us in carrying out the vital work of our agencies. We are excited <br /> about their concept to have the building be accessible for use by other non- <br /> profits who need occasional office space for interviewing Pleasanton clients <br /> and for some shared use of meeting rooms. Pleasanton's support of the Volun- <br /> teer Center is a contribution to all of us." <br /> <br /> Mr. Miles Ferris, President of the Valley Volunteer Bureau, thanked the Council <br />for support of this group. He stated the Valley Volunteer Bureau desparately needs <br />larger office space and that the annex building would satisfy this need and would <br />also be a better location for this group, adding that it provides a valuable service <br />to the city. , <br /> <br /> Mr. Martin Inderbitzen, 4102 Fairlands, representing Pleasanton Chamber of Com- <br />merce, stated he felt this item should be continued to allow other groups and agencies <br />the opportunity to present proposals for consideration for use of the subject build- <br />ings. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ann Doss, 6414 Alvord Way, curator of the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical <br />Society, stated there has already been quite a bit of publicity relative to the use <br />of the Old City Hall buildings. She urged Council to make a decision tonight. She <br />stated she supports use of the annex by the Valley Volunteer Bureau. <br /> <br /> Mayor Butler stated he did not feel Council had enough information at this time <br />to make a decision on this matter, relative to cost for renovation and possibly other <br />worthwhile uses of the buildings. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Council- <br />member Mohr, that the city maintain ownership of the grounds and buildings at 603 Main <br />Street; that staff work with the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society for an <br />appropriate lease agreement for use of the Old City Hall building, and work with the <br />Valley Volunteer Bureau for an appropriate lease agreement for use of the Annex build- <br />ing; that the terms of the leases adequately protect the City's interests, and that <br />these lease agreements be brought back to City Council for approval. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mercer, Mohr, and Wood <br />NOES: Mayor Butler <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> 19. 5/24/83 <br /> <br /> <br />