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The Poll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Mercer, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Butler <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Brandes <br /> <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Councilmember Wood reported on an ACTEB meeting, stating that one of the Valley's <br /> programs was being funded and that this was largely due to the assistance of Viacom <br /> Cablevision in this matter. <br /> <br /> MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> Mr. Bud Barlow, President of the Alisal Improvement Club, stated that the home- <br /> owners association is moving ahead with their study regarding annexation to the City, <br /> with special emphhsis on density, roads, land use, and utilities. He stated the pre- <br /> liminary study will be presented to the homeowners in approximately six weeks, and a <br /> report and recommendation to Council will be presented sometime after that time. <br /> <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />Appeal of Meadow Plaza Associates of a decision of the Planning Commission denying <br />their application for PUD (Planned Unit Development) zoning and development plan <br />approval for a 156 unit multi-family residential project on approximately six acres <br />of land located east of the Exxon Station at the southeast corner of West Las Posi- <br />tas Boulevard and Santa Rita Road. Zoning for the property is PUD (Planned Unit <br />Development)-Commercial and Offices <br /> <br />Consider adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration <br /> Mr. Harris presented his report (SR 83:138) dated March 30, 1983, regarding this <br />matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Glenn Kierstead, representing Meadow Plaza Associates, presented background <br />information regarding the proposed project and stated he had met with the homeowners <br />association as well as most of the residents on Weymouth Court in an attempt to miti- <br />gate the concerns of these people relative to density, quality of the project, traffic, <br />cross traffic for school children, parking in the interior of the project, lighting, <br />loitering and problems across the street. Mr. Kierstead presented renderings of the <br />revised proposed project and stated he concurred with staff recommendations with the <br />exception of Condition No. 3 which requires that a fence be constructed on the south- <br />ern portion of the property; he stated there is a cyclone fence on the property now <br />and he felt there was no need to replace it. He also requested that Condition No. 58 <br />be eliminated due to the change in his landscaping plan. He stated that the firm of <br />Houston Architects had been hired to redesign the project, which he feels is a very <br />fine plan. He reviewed the reduction in density from 156 units to 126 units. He <br />elaborated on the provision of parking, landscape plan, and other changes which he <br />felt would enhance the project. He urged Council approval of the proposed development. <br /> <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding whether or not Planning Commission should con- <br />sider and make recommendations on the changes made to the proposed project. Mr. Harris <br />advised there is not the urgency for approval of the application as first thought, as <br />the remaining growth management permits had been issued this date so there are none <br />remaining for other projects at this time. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Mercer, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, not to <br />act on the appeal of Meadow Plaza Associates at this time, and to refer PUD-83-3, the <br />application of Meadow Plaza Associates for PUD zoning and development plan approval <br />for a 126 unit multi-family residential project proposed for the approximately six <br />acre site located east and south of the Exxon service station at the southeast corner <br />of We~t Las Positas Boulevard and Santa Rita Road, back to the Planning Commission <br /> <br /> 4. 4/12/83 <br /> <br /> <br />