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residents there voted on elected officials in that City. He stated he felt <br />this made good government sense and told the Dublin officials he would bring <br />this matter to the attention of the Pleasanton City Council. He raised the <br />issue and asked for two volunteers to work with the Dublin City Council to see <br />what could be done with Arroyo Vista, if anything. Councilmembers Mohr and <br />Wood volunteered for this assignment since they have been liaison members on <br />the Housing Authority Board. He stated this subcommittee met with Dublin rep- <br />resentatives on several occasions. There was mention of selling Arroyo Vista <br />to Dublin for $100,000, but Dublin did not feel this was legal and the matter <br />was referred to the city staffs. After consultation it was determined that <br />this was not legal. Meetings continued to see if Dublin City Council could <br />become directors of the Housing Authority or if a valley-wide housing authori- <br />ty would be more appropriate. Subsequently, the Pleasanton City Council de- <br />cided to find out if the Dublin City Council was really interested in taking <br />over the Arroyo Vista project, and instructed the Mayor to write a letter to <br />determine this matter. Mayor Mercer stated that Councilmember Brandes asked <br />the City Attorney to give Council a report on the status of Arroyo Vista as it <br />relates to Pleasanton~ be given to Dublin, what mechanics would be <br />necessary to do this, and what would be required for Pleasanton to form its <br />own Housing Authority within Pleasanton City Limits. The City Attorney ad- <br />vised there can be one Housing Authority in Pleasanton and one in Dublin. <br />Mayor Mercer stated this would allow people in Dublin to have better represen- <br />tative government, as to who would be the Housing Authority and oversee the <br />appointment of its members. Mayor Mercer stated this issue was brought up at <br />the meeting of May 7, 1985, at which time Council instructed staff to prepare <br />a report regarding various aspects of the matter. He advised that the report <br />would not be ready for approximately two more weeks. He suggested that after <br />the report is completed that meetings be scheduled between representatives of <br />the Pleasanton City Council, Dublin City Council, and Housing Authority Board <br />to discuss matters of concern, before taking any action. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated he agreed that Council is not in a position <br />to make a decision because there are too many unanswered questions. He sug- <br />gested a meeting at Arroyo Vista and another one at Kottinger Place in infor- <br />mal session to get correct information to the residents and to hear their con- <br />cerns. He stated there seems to be a great deal of mistrust at this point. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wood stated that the City of San F~ancisco has its airport <br />and jail in another city, as well as land in Pleasanton; he did not feel that <br />the Arroyo Vista project being located in Dublin should make any difference to <br />the City of Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer responded that probably San Bruno would prefer that the San <br />Francisco airport and jail were in the City limits of San Francisco, since <br />they have no control over these two agencies in their City. He stated that <br />people who live in Arroyo Vista will have the opportunity, if they are in the <br />City of Dublin, to vote for persons who would appoint Housing Authority Board <br />members, thereby having a voice in the Housing Authority appointment process. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he felt this approach is well founded. He <br />stated the issue is beyond any individuals or personalities, and that the <br />solution needs to be worked out properly and in a better atmosphere without <br />personal attacks taking place. He stated he refused to get involved in per- <br />sonalities and attacks. He stated he would encourage everyone to get as much <br />information as possible. He stated he is available to anyone at any time to <br />discuss this matter. <br /> <br /> _ ~ _ 5-21-85 <br /> <br /> <br />