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Mercer, and seconded by Councilmember Brandes, that Resolution No. 85-268, <br />expressing sincere appreciation to Robert L. Warnick for his outstanding ser- <br />vice to the City of Pleasanton as Director of Public Works and Utilities, <br />during a time of technical complications, and wishing him success in his new <br />position, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> There were no City Council Committee Reports presented at this meeting. <br /> <br />MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> Ms. Marion Lowe, 240 Kottinger Place, tenant representative on the Housing <br />Authority Board, stated she sent a petition to the City Council May 10, 1985, <br />stating the majority of the residents are well satisfied with the personnel <br />and maintenance of the present Housing Authority and would like to remain <br />under the management and control of the Housing Authority as it is now. <br /> <br /> Ms. Cecelia Governor, 240 Kottinger Place, #43, stated she has lived at <br />this address since 1973 and feels that the management and maintenance under <br />the Housing Authority has been excellent. She urged Council to consider the <br />concerns of the residents before taking final action. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ruby Mills, 240 Kottinger Place, #35, stated she has lived at this <br />location five years and is very proud of her place. She feels the complex has <br />been well operated, and she is satisfied with its present management. <br /> <br /> Ms. Patricia All, resident of Arroyo Vista, stated that newspaper articles <br />indicated this housing project is low income residency; she stated they are <br />moderate income. She advised that 84% are employed, 16% unemployed. She <br />stated that 35% of the residents work in Pleasanton, 23% work in Dublin, 15% <br />work in Livermore, for a total of 73% working in the Valley. She stated she <br />felt disbandonment is not in the best interest of the residents of Arroyo Vis- <br />ta. She cited the various prograins and recreational facilities available to <br />the tenants. She stated she would like for the PleaSanton Housing Authority <br />to stay the way it is; she felt other management might not be as sympathetic <br />and understanding of the tenants concerns and problems. <br /> <br /> Mr. Yvan Albert, member of the Housing Authority Board, stated the Board <br />sent a letter to Council dated May 20, 1985, requesting a joint meeting with <br />the Council to discuss the proposed disbanding of the Housing Authority, and <br />he would appreciate consideration of this matter, in order to provide our peo- <br />ple with the best housing. Mayor Mercer stated he felt such a meeting would <br />be in the best interests of everyone. He asked Mr. Albert if he would object <br />to inviting representatives from the Dublin City Council to attend the meeting <br />also. Mr. Albert stated he would not object to this. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that he has received a number of handouts and news- <br />paperitems stating that Councilmember Brandes is behind this action; others <br />citing Mr. Mosier as the cause of the action. Mayor Mercer stated he feels <br />compelled to review exactly how this issue came about. He advised that about <br />one year ago Mayor Snyder and Councilmember Moffatt from the City of Dublin <br />asked if the City of Pleasanton had given any consideration to turning over <br />Arroyo Vista to them, since the project is within the Dublin City Limits, and <br /> <br /> - 4 - 5-21-85 <br /> <br /> <br />