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o. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-263, denying a claim filed on behalf of San- <br /> dra Klenk for damages to her car due to a collision with a cow on Foothill <br /> Road; and referring this matter to the City Attorney for further handling. <br /> <br /> p. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-264, denying a claim filed on behalf of <br /> Lewis Johnson for damages to his car when he hit a cow on Foothill Road~ <br /> and referring this matter to the City Attorney for further handling. <br /> <br /> q. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-265, approving the contract for inspection <br /> services with BSK regarding Douglas McCloud; and authorizing the City Man- <br /> ager to enter into similar consultant agreements on approved and budgeted <br /> projects of the City. <br /> <br /> r. Adoption of Resolution No. 85-266, approving the appropriation limit for <br /> fiscal year 1985-86 of $10,487,830.00. <br /> <br /> s. Dismiss from the agenda Amended Agreement for Legal Services North <br />' Pleasanton Improvement District No. 1982-4 (this item was approved at the <br /> City Council meeting of 5-7-85). <br /> <br /> t.Adoption of Resolution No. 85-267, approving claims for the month of April <br /> 1985 in the amount of $13,681,208.21. <br /> <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCILMEMBERS <br /> Councilmember Wood stated that with regard to an item that was approved at <br /> the meeting of May 7, 1985, relative to establishing two-hour parking zones <br /> within Stanley Business Park, there is opposition to this restriction by some <br /> of the business people in the area. <br /> <br /> Mr. A1 Bernard, owner of business in the Stanley Boulevard Business Park, <br /> "stated he and other business owners are opposed to the two-hour parking zones <br /> established by Council at their last meeting. He p~sented a petition signed <br /> by 26 business owners, which read as follows: <br /> <br /> "This is a petition against making a two hour (2) parking zone for the <br /> entire Stanley Business Park proposed by the City of Pleasanton. We feel <br /> this would not be in the best interest for this business complex. We <br /> would appreciate your support by signing this petition." <br /> <br /> Mr. Warnick explained that not all streets or portions of streets are in- <br /> cluded in the two-hour parking zone restriction, and that those included were <br /> at the request of business owners in the Stanley Business Park. <br /> <br /> After discussion, Mayor Mercer instructed staff to meet with Mr. Bernard <br /> to explain the streets included in the two-hour parking restrictions and to <br /> work out any problems with business owners who are opposed to the parking <br /> restrictions. <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that Mr. Warnick, Director of Public Works and Utili- <br /> ties, has accepted a position with the City of Chandler, Arizona, and this <br /> will be his last meeting with the City of Pleasanton. It was moved by Mayor <br /> 5-21-85 <br /> - 3 - <br /> <br /> <br />