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Mr. Harry Caldwell, 3745 Vineyard Avenue, stated there have been a lot of concerns <br />about traffic on Vineyard Avenue but not one thing has been mentioned about a fire <br />station in this highly populated area. He stated there should be more concern about <br />safety than development around the Remen Tract. He agrees there needs to be addi- <br />tional exits from Vineyard Avenue, and he is willing to wait until the road to the <br />north is opened up before considering further development. tte added that he did not <br />feel that there would be much effect on Vineyard Avenue if development is allowed in <br />the Remen Tract. He suggested opening up Vine Street to alleviate traffic on Vineyard <br />Avenue. He stated that people should be allowed to annex to the City if zoning re- <br />mains the same, as conditions in the Remen Tract are not the best. He strongly re- <br />commended that Ales, Larson, and Heinrich be given the opportunity to join the City of <br />Pleasanton and that the zoning remain medium density. <br /> <br /> Mr. Gary Larson, 3731 Vineyard Avenue, stated he supports Mr. Caldwell's comments. <br />He stated if property in this area remains in Alameda County, the problems will remain. <br />He advised he would like to improve his property but did not want to do so under County <br />regulations. He stated he does not want to build apartments, he only wants to improve <br />his property and to be a part of the City, in order to make an attractive environment. <br />He requested his property be approved for annexation to the City. <br /> <br /> Mr. Frank Belecky, 892 Madeira Drive, stated that Vintage Hills residents have <br />expressed many times in the last two years their concerns regarding traffic on Vine- <br />yard Avenue and have requested Council not to allow any further development until the <br />traffic problems have been solved, but that many projects have been approved since <br />that time. He stated that even though some of the projects have been small they still <br />have a real impact on this dangerous street. He stated he is in favor of no new <br />development as stated in the petition presented earlier to Council. <br /> <br /> Mrs. Karen Duran, 3568 Vine Street, stated she favors keeping the Remen Tract as <br />it is now; the residents live well and honorably with a lifestyle compatible to their <br />desires. She advised they can have animals and participate in 4-H activities. She <br />stated that the study confirms what the residents in the area have tried to convey all <br />along; traffic conditions are unacceptable for any additional development. She stated <br />the opening of Vine Street would not alleviate traffic on Vineyard Avenue, and would <br />create additional problems. She addressed the possible liability of the City as well <br />as the moral responsibility, because of the crowded and hazardous condition of Vine- <br />yard Avenue. Mrs. Duran expressed concern regarding piecemeal development and stated <br />this matter should be addressed; stating there should be a consistent plan for this <br />entire area. She read a letter to Council that she had received last wee~ from an <br />out-of-town realtor expressing interest in her property for development. She stated <br />this confirms that there is interest for further development of the area. She stated <br />that the majority of residents in the area want all development ceased until adequate <br />roads are in place. She requested Council to look at the future of the Remen Tract <br />in terms of land use and lifestyle of the residents already living there. She stated <br />that projects already approved will add to the traffic congestion and to the piece- <br />meal development. She favored adoption of the recommendations of staff regarding the <br />Vintage Hills/Vineyard Avenue study and to halt all projects and allow no more develop- <br />ment until the road extensions are completed; she felt the area should remain low <br />density; and establish a policy prohibiting any further development in the Remen Tract <br />until a cohesive plan is developed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Chuck Muth, 3644 Vine Street, stated that residents in the area have asked <br />that no decision be made on Castlewood Properties, Caroline, and Amador Savings and <br />Loan projects until after receipt of the Vintage Hills/Vineyard Avenue study. He <br />stated he concurs with the recommendations of staff in the report, and he requested <br />Council to approve ~he report as presented by staff and not to approve any further <br />development in this area. <br /> <br /> 8. 3/12/85 <br /> <br /> <br />