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295 <br /> t. Adoption of Rsolution No. 86-15-5, establishing a no parking zone on the <br /> baseball field side of the access road leading to the upper field parking <br /> lot of Pleasanton School. <br /> <br /> u. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-156, approval of the consultant agreement <br /> with Camp, Dresser and McKee, Inc., to prepare a report on the Pleasanton <br /> Gardens flooding; authorize the Mayor to execute the document; and ap- <br /> propriate $32,500 to fund the agreement. <br /> <br /> v. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-157, approval of Amendment No. 1 to CH2M <br /> Hill, Inc., contract dated July 2, 1985; authorize the Mayor to execute <br /> the Amendment; and direct staff to pay consultant for services under this <br /> Amendment from the Roadway Portion of the North Pleasanton Improvement <br /> District No. 1982-4. <br /> <br /> w. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-158, after review of bids, award the con- <br /> tract for Bernal Avenue Widening and Amber Lane at Mockingbird, Project <br /> No. 85-29, to O. C. Jones and Sons in the amount of $137,780.79; authorize <br /> execution of the contract by the appropriate city officials; and appropri- <br /> ate $83,780.79 additional funds for this project. <br /> <br />{v.) x. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-159, acceptance of public improvements for <br />(-) Tract 5229, Parkside Unit 4 Emerald American Corporation; and authoriz- <br />~-i ing the City Attorney to file a Notice of Completion. <br />Iml y. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-160, approving agreement for legal services <br />m in connection with Meyer Center Refunding District No. 1986-5. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 86-161, approving agreement for engineering <br /> services in connection with Meyer Center Refunding District No. 1986-5. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 86-162, Resolution of Intention to conduct re- <br /> assessment proceedings pursuant to the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Im- <br /> provement Act bonds, without notice or hearing, and to authorize issuance <br /> of refunding bonds in connection with Meyer Center Refunding District No. <br /> 1986-5. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 86-163, approving Reassessment Report and con- <br /> firming reassessments in connection with Meyer Center Refunding District <br /> No. 1986-5. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 86-164, authorizing issuance of refunding bonds <br /> pursuant to the Refunding Act of 1984 for 1915 Improvement Act bonds in <br /> connection with Meyer Center Refunding District No. 1986-5. <br /> <br /> Adoption of Resolution No. 86-165, ordering sale of bonds in connection <br /> with Meyer Center Refunding District No. 1986-5. <br /> <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Brandes <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Councilmember Mercer <br /> <br /> MATTERS INITIATED BY COUNCILMEMBERS <br /> Adoption of Resolution Declaring the Results of the April 8, 1986 Special <br /> Election <br /> <br /> 4-15-86 <br /> -3 <br /> <br /> <br />