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297 <br /> g. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-147, approval of agreement between the City <br /> of Pleasanton and the Bormolini Family, for Valley Avenue Extension, and <br /> authorizing execution of the agreement by the appropriate city officials. <br /> <br /> h. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-148, approval of consultant agreement with <br /> Smith, Gray & Company, for the Hopyard Road freeway interchange project, <br /> and authorizing execution of the agreement by the appropriate city <br /> officials. <br /> <br /> i. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-149, approval of the use of Housing and Com- <br /> munity Development Block Grant funds for Pleasanton Gardens flood repairs. <br /> <br /> k. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-150, approval of Emergency Medical Services <br /> Agreement with Alameda County, and authorizing execution of the agreement <br /> by the appropriate city officials. <br /> <br /> 1. Introduction of Ordinance No. 1251, to be read by title only ~nd waiving <br /> further reading thereof, for the City to become the administering agency <br /> for the Waters Bill, AB 2185; the Rights to Know Bill which pertains to <br /> hazardous materials within the City. <br /> <br />CY) m. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-151, approval of final map, improvements <br />(]-) plans, and Subdivision Agreement for Tract 5371, Smoketree Commons; and <br /> authorizing execution of the agreement by the appropriate city officials. <br /> <br />LJ_i n. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-152, after review of bid, award the contract <br />Cl') for construction of two sanitary sewer pump houses, Project No. 85-27, to <br />,=:3[ Pleasanton Engineering Contractors in the amount of $19,g50; appropriate <br /> an additional $7,000 which includes 10% contingency for a total budget of <br /> $22,000; and authorizing execution of the contract by the appropriate city <br /> officials. <br /> <br /> o. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-153, approval of plans and specifications <br /> for slurry sealing on various City streets, Project No. 86-21, and au- <br /> thorization to call for bids. <br /> <br /> p. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-154, approval of agreement with Kent Watson <br /> and Associates for the master planning of Augustine Bernal Park; authorize <br /> the Mayor to enter into said agreement; and allocate an additional <br /> $2,000.00 in park funds to cover the cost of producing this master plan. <br /> <br /> q. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-155, establishing stop requirements on Wood- <br /> thrush Road/Woodthrush Way at their intersections with Crestline Road. <br /> <br /> r. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-155, removing the "No Parking" zone on the <br /> westerly side of Bernal Avenue from Palomino Drive to the southerly bound- <br /> ary ot Tract 4805 until such time as Bernal Avenue is extended either <br /> northerly to Stanley Boulevrd or southerly to Sunol Boulevard; that the <br /> developer of Tract 4805 be required to record a copy of this resolution <br /> with each of the deeds of the homes fronting on Bernal Avenue; and that <br /> staff be directed to have the signing and striping revised to allow park- <br /> ing on the westerly side of Bernal Avenue between Palomino Drive and the <br /> southerly end of Tract 4805. <br /> <br /> s. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-155, establishing a midblock crosswalk on <br /> Springdale Avenue at the northerly side of the Best Plaza driveway. <br /> <br /> 2 - 4-15-86 <br /> <br /> <br />