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419 <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift presented his report (SR 88:263) dated June 7, 1988, regarding <br />this matter. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in favor of or in opposition to the item. <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing closed. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer asked how many seats in the restaurant, is there a bar and <br />dance floor, and could the restaurant be changed to a night club. Mr. Swift <br />advised that there is not a bar connected to the restaurant and the PUD will <br />not allow the restaurant to be changed to a night club. Mr. Swift did not <br />know the exact number of seats but advised that parking is adequate. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr asked if the tiles could be toned down; it does not <br />blend well with the surroundings. Mr. Swift advised that this is the only <br />building not built within this complex and it conforms to the existing <br />structures <br /> . <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Bran- <br />des, that Ordinance No. 1363, to be read by title only and waiving further <br />reading thereof, approving PUD-86-18-1M, application of Oakridge Properties <br />for a major modification to an approved retail commercial center to allow ar- <br />chitectural and site plan changes for a restaurant to be located at 3170 Santa <br />rita Road, subject to conditions set forth in Staff Report 88:263, and adding <br />a condition that the exterior elevations be further reviewed by staff with <br />City Council input, be introduced. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Wilson <br /> <br />item 9c <br />PUD-81-22-1M-1D~ Application of Mozart Development Company for design review <br />approval to construct an approximately 8~400 sq. ft. restaurant and related <br />improvements to be located on an approximately 1.2 acre site located at the <br />eastern terminus of Embarcadero Court. Zoning for the property is PUD <br />(Planned Unit DevelopmentI-Commercial and Offices District <br /> Mr. Swift presented his report (SR 88:262) dated June 7, 1988, regarding <br />this matter, <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing open. <br /> <br /> No one in the audience spoke in favor of or in opposition to the item. <br /> Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing closd. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember But- <br />ler, that Resolution No. 88-256, approving PUD-81-22-1M-1D, application of <br />Mozart Development Company for design review approval to construct an approxi- <br />mately 8,400 sq. ft. restaurant and related improvements to be located on an <br />approximately 1.2 acre site located at the eastern terminus of Embarcadero <br />Court, subject to conditions set forth in Staff Report 88:262, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, and Mayor Mercer <br /> <br /> o 6 - 6-7-88 <br /> <br /> <br />