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405 <br /> <br />that he would bring this matter to City Council so Mr. Swift did not make any <br />decision on the issue. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that when the PUD was approved it was conditioned so <br />that the tree would be saved, now the developer wants the trees removed. <br />Council is unable to make the change without violating the ordinance. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated this is a unique piece of property because of <br />the trees, but not because of the black walnut trees. The matter of trees was <br />taken into consideration by City Council and Planning Commission, and the <br />developer said that he would take maximum effort to save the trees. Council- <br />member Brandes felt this should be considered as a minor modification. <br /> <br /> Mr. MacDonald advised that Mr. Molinaro could be cited or enjoined by a <br />court if he moves his house onto the lot without the proper permits, and the <br />City could be in violation of its own ordinances if it issues permits not <br />covered in the PUD approval. <br /> <br /> After further discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and <br />seconded by Councilmember Butler, instructing staff to process the removal of <br />trees required to be retained by the approved project PUD-87-25 plan, request- <br />ed by Ralph Romero, as a minor modification to the PUD plan. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Wilson <br />ABSTAINED:Councilmember Mohr <br /> <br />item 12e <br />Revision to Construction Financing for Senior Citizen Housing Project <br /> This item was moved on the agenda to item 4u on the Consent Calendar, and <br />approved. <br /> <br />item 12f <br />Discussion of City Property on Pleasanton Avenue~ across from Alameda County <br />Fairgrounds <br /> Mr. Walker presented his report (SR 88:247) dated June 7, 1988, regarding <br />this matter. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pat Sangiacomo, 2668 Lyngate Court, representing the Pleasanton <br />Jaycees, stated that the Jaycees have signed a lease with Mr. Kern for the <br />property adjacent to the Fairgrounds to be used as a parking lot during the <br />Fair. He stated they would also like to lease the City property next to Mr. <br />Kern's lot. He advised the Jaycees have leased this property for twenty-five <br />years, and that it is their main source of raising funds for their contribu- <br />tion of various projects to the community. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Mayor Mercer, and seconded by Council- <br />member Brandes, that Resolution No. 88-263, to lease City-owned land adjacent <br />to the Fairgrounds to the Jaycees in the amount of $1.00, for their use as a <br />parking lot during the Alameda County Fair; and instructing staff the prepare <br />the appropriate documents to declare this property as surplus, to be offered <br />to public agencies before going to private party sale, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, and Mayor Mercer <br /> <br /> - 13- 6-7-88 <br /> <br /> <br />