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303 <br />apologized for that. He stated that Council felt that since there were con- <br />cerns the opponents should participate on the committee. Mayor Mercer stated <br />that personally that he is uncommitted at this point regarding redevelopment, <br />and he knows Councilmember Wilson is not in favor of it. Mayor Mercer stated <br />he is waiting for the citizens advisory committee with whatever information <br />they are going to come back with before deciding whether he is for or against <br />it. This is going to be a controversial issue and he wants to make it as non- <br />controversial as possible and expects that the advisory committee will address <br />some of these concerns. He thought that Council had conveyed they were not in <br />a big rush, if the citizens advisory committee takes more time then that is <br />what they have to do to bring that report back. He stated there is no reason <br />to change that. He did not know if it should go on the ballot; and if it did <br />- whether in November or March. <br /> <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding the number of members that are allowed <br />on the citizens advisory committee. Mr. Beougher stated he would investigate <br />this matter. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated the law speaks as to what kinds of things <br />should be organized do not say that when a public meeting is held the public <br />shouldnt be allowed to speak. He felt Council should direct the committee to <br />change their attitude on that. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated Council is trying to insure that all voices will be <br />heard in this matter, and they need both sides before recommending for or <br />against a redevelopment agency. <br /> <br /> Ms. Birdie Bianchi, 4329 Railroad Avenue, asked for a Certificate of Com- <br />pliance from the City Council letting her out of the Community Redevelopment <br />Agency project area. Mayor Mercer stated there isn't a redevelopment agency <br />yet. Ms. Bianchi stated she keeps getting letters that the City is going to <br />do this and that. <br /> <br /> Mr. Walker advised that residents are sent notices of things that are hap- <br />pening; some are associated with the Downtown Specific Plan, not redevelop- <br />ment. He added that the notices are required by law to be sent to surrounding <br />property owners. <br /> <br /> Mr. Leo Heckathorn, 4202 Stanley Boulevard, stated he was at the meeting <br />last week at which time the public was not allowed to speak; he did not ap- <br />preciate the way the meeting was run. He would like to see the Community <br />Development Agency disbanded and start over. He lives in the redevelopment <br />area and he could not vote or do anything because Chandler Lee advised he was <br />out of the area. He resented that. He felt the committee should be an odd <br />number so there will not be a tie vote on any matter. He stated he would like <br />to have this on the November ballot. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that citizens committees have done a lot to benefit <br />this community; Council steps back and lets the citizens group do what they <br />want to do and then come back with a recommendation. That is what this Re- <br />development Agency is about. Somehow the Council's instructions have not <br />gotten down to the Project Area Committee. He felt after this evening things <br />would work out. <br /> <br /> Mr. Walker clarified that Council has established a redevelopmeet agency <br />but has not established a project. <br /> <br /> 9 - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />