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3O5 <br /> to comment on that particular line item on the agenda. At that point the ob- <br /> jections were raised and Mr. Pico left the room at the time when he would have <br /> been able to speak to that agenda item. The committee did not vote on that <br /> line item, they simply voted on one particular aspect of it which was the dif- <br /> ference between allowing the agency to have the same power that they have now <br /> or expand their powers to condemn residential property and they agreed that <br /> was one item that they did not want to do, they wanted to leave the agency <br /> with their restricted abilities. They continued with that line item and then <br /> the public had input at the end. The expansion of the Committee didnot come <br /> to the committee as a directive, it came thru Chandler Lee who said that Jim <br /> Walker requested that the members vote on whether or not they wanted to expand <br /> ..... the committee, so he put that out to the committee members and they voted not <br /> to expand. <br /> <br /> Mr. Pico differed with the interpretation Mr. Clauser provided; in fact <br /> with respect to the discussion on the power to condemn properties and curbing <br /> that power there were a couple of alternatives that staff had provided that <br /> the committee discussed solely among themselves and they were ready to take a <br /> vote - he interrupted and asked whether the public would be able to have some <br /> comment before the committee took the vote, Mr. Clauser indicated no. He <br /> stated other people are in the audience that witnessed this matter. <br /> <br />C) Councilmember Brandes stated the intent of the committee is to accomplish <br />(ZXZ) some things and there are some who believe there is organized interference to <br /> keep the committee from doing anything. Somewhere in the process the propo- <br />CY} nents and opponents of any potential CDA must realize that these committees <br />~ that are being formed in conformance with the CDA law and there are legal <br />~ steps that must be gone through but they can make no decisions that are bind- <br />~ ing; all those decisions come before the appropriate steps in the Redevelop- <br /> ment Agency of which there is a full and complete public hearing. If some- <br /> where in the system the public should feel limited to speak they will have <br /> many opportunities before the Redevelopment Agency to air any objections or <br /> complaints or suggestions they may have. If this occasionally happens in a <br /> subcommittee it will not prevent citizens from participating with the Re- <br /> development Agency body, who will make the ultimate decision. He stated he <br /> personally feels Council should consider that maybe the appropriate way to <br />-- handle this redevelopment issue might be to let the entire community vote on <br /> it in November. He added that the committees would still need to continue in <br /> order to present it to the public. <br /> <br /> Mr. Thurman Caudill, Augustine Street, stated he has been a resident of <br /> the community for 46 years and is against a redevelopment agency. He stated <br /> he was at the meeting last week and Mr. Pico is telling the truth about what <br /> happened; the disrespect was unforgiveable. He advised that twelve years ago <br /> the City tried to form a redevelopment agency but it failed. The various im- <br /> provements such as Bernal Avenue extention to Main Street, Peters Avenue, un- <br /> derpass, library and Del Valle Parkway all were completed without a redevelop- <br /> ment agency. He feels the agency should be dissolved or go the voters in <br /> November. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that two opponents have expressed a lot of concern <br /> regarding the redevelopment agency and there is a citizens advisory committee <br /> that is studying the redevelopment agency, if it should be formed and how it <br /> should be formed. He thought the Council went on record that the citizens <br /> advisory committee should be expanded to include the two opponents; somehow <br /> that was not passed properly down to the citizens advisory committee. He <br /> <br /> - 8 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />