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3O7 <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated there is a lot of activity on that property <br />and he felt this matter should be delayed ninety days; maybe a project will <br />come along and pay for it. He felt this showed favoritism, and that the mat- <br />ter will resolve itself. <br /> <br /> After further discussion, it was moved by Mayor Mercer, and seconded by <br />Councilmember Brandes, instructinS staff to come back with a report to install <br />a soundwall along Santa Rite Road, the same design and height as the one <br />ready there, for those residents near the intersection of Santa Rite Road and <br />Pimlico who do not now have a soundwall. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> There were no City Council Committee Reports presented at this meeting. <br /> <br />MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> Mr. Thomas Pico, Jr., stated he is greatly concerned about the way the <br />last meeting of the Project Area Committee of the Community Development Agency <br />was conducted; the public was not allowed to speak on items until after dis- <br />cussion and vote taken by the Committee. He felt this violated the Brown Act, <br />and was grossly unfair to citizens trying to comment on items of concern. The <br />Committee refused to allow public comment and discussion in advance of their <br />taking a vote. They said they are willing to have public comment after they <br />have taken a vote but that public comment was delaying the process. He has <br />never been to a public meeting where the public was not allowed to speak until <br />after an item was voted on; he felt this is highly irregular. He felt the <br />attempt of the Project Area Committee is a blatant attempt to limit and <br />restrict public input and the ability of opponents to influence decisions and <br />actions of the Committee. He stated the decision of this Committee not to <br />expand to include representation from the opponents, as instructed by Council, <br />because there was not enough time continues to re-enforce public perception <br />that the entire redevelopment process has been stacked to ensure that the <br />downtown redevelopment plan is railroaded into effect. He felt the Community <br />Development Agency is being rushed, the time frame is not realistic; he urged <br />a slower approach. There is too much information to cover in the time allot- <br />ted. He requested that the City and this Council consider restricting funding <br />and staff support until such time as a Special Meeting of the Agency can be <br />convened to discuss these issues and comply with the meeting procedures that <br />are in effect at all other forms of public meetings. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated the Brown Act does not require how the meeting is run <br />or who gets to participate; it does require that they be made public in sub- <br />ject. Council did ask that two additional members be added to the Committee <br />who represent the opponents of the redevelopment project. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mike Clauser, Chairperson of the Project Area Committee, stated his <br />interpretation of the way to conduct meeting was to allow an open discussion <br />so that public and committee members could speak at will, at any time. After <br />having no movement after the first two meetings because of public input not <br />allowing the committee members to talk he apologized to the public and said <br />that he would have to request that the committee members be allowed to go down <br />each line item on the agenda and discuss it before the public would be allowed <br /> <br /> - 7 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />