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309 <br /> NOES: Councilmember Butler <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer instructed staff to install appropriate warning signs when <br /> the four-way stop signs are put in place. <br /> <br /> item 6b <br /> Planninq Commission Appointments <br /> Mayor Mercer presented his memorandum advising of the resignation of Larry <br /> Lindsey from the Planning Commission, and requesting that Alternate Member <br /> Marcelline Mahern be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Lindsey; and <br /> to advertise for the vacancy of Alternate Member on the Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Mohr, <br /> that Resolution No. 88-200, confirming the appointment Marcelline Mahern as a <br /> Regular Member on the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Larry <br /> Lindsey, said term to expire 5-5-90, be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> <br />0 Mayor Mercer presented his memorandum stated that Ben Tarver's term on the <br />(Z]C) Planning commission expires May 5, 1988, and requesting that he be reappointed <br />Cv') for another four year term. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Wil- <br /> ~ son, that Resolution No. 88-201, confirming the reappointment of Ben Tarver as <br /> <br /> a Regular Member on the Planning Commission for a four year term, said term to <br /> expire May 5, lgg2, be adopted. <br /> The roll call vote was as follows: <br /> AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br /> NOES: Councilmember Brandes <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> 230 KV Power Line to Lawrence Livermore Lab <br /> Mayor Mercer instructed staff to research and report back on the 230 KV <br /> line that the Federal Government is going to run into Lawrence Livermore Lab. <br /> He stated that evidentally there is a possibility that other government agen- <br /> cies may be able to share in that power. He suggested possible uses as pump- <br /> ing sewage over the hill, future sewage that will have to be pumped out, and <br /> for expected BART rail service in 1996. He stated that if this power is <br /> available then PG&E might not require their proposed tower lines in eastern <br /> Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Soundwall on Santa Rita Road <br /> Mayor Mercer stated there has been a request from some residents on Santa <br /> Rita Road near the recently proposed service station and mini-mart development <br /> to install a soundwall. He stated there are only a few homes that do not have <br /> a soundwall; the City could install and pay for the soundwall now and be reim- <br /> bursed later by the developer of the property at this location. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated that if a plan comes in similar to the pre- <br /> vious plan then almost the entire development would be a soundwall; he did not <br /> think a soundwall would be needed. <br /> <br /> 6 - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />