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311 <br /> "The following homeowners and citizens petition the City of Pleasan- <br /> ton, California to install 4-way stop signs at the intersection of <br /> Valley Blvd. and Via De Los Milagros." <br /> <br /> Mr. Tom Mooney, residing at the corner of Via De Los Milagros and Valley <br />Avenue, stated that it is becoming increasingly more difficult and dangerous <br />to get across this intersection for both pedestrians and vehicles; people com- <br />ing from Via De Los Milagros cannot see into the intersection. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bill Melbrick stated that residents have been concerned about this <br />situation since the master planning for the park in January 1985, when it was <br />indicated that Via De Los Milagros would be a major access street to the park. <br />He stated the intersection at Via De Los Milagros has limited visibility, and <br />the posted speed limit on Valley of 35 MPH creates an extremely dangerous <br />situation. He stated that Via De Los Milagros is the only street without some <br />kind of traffic control. He added the basic need is to get safe access to the <br />park. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes asked Mr. Elliott whether or not the more logical <br />solution would be signalization or stop signs. Mr. Elliott stated his choice <br />would be traffic signals. He added that signalization would cost approximate- <br />ly $175,000-$200,000, and would take approximately four months to install and <br />be in operation. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that with summer coming up and the park being used <br />more than at other times, he felt temporary stop signs should be installed as <br />soon as possible with signalization later. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bill Vangelder, Traffic Engineer, stated it is fairly common if a sig- <br />nal is to be installed to put up stop signs ahead of time, until the sig- <br />nalization is operable. He personally felt that signalization is the best <br />option for the continued flow of traffic, however this street does not warrant <br />a traffic signal according to traffic counts. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated there are several four-way stops on Valley <br />Avenue which are effective; he felt the cost of signalization cannot be <br />justified. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr asked if signalization would reduce noise in this area; <br />she has received complaints from residents in this area. Mr. Vangelder stated <br />that signalization would reduce vehicle noise. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated that at this type of intersection where the <br />traffic volume is predominately all arterial, he felt a two-way stop would be <br />more appropriate at this point. He felt a four-way stop is going to add to <br />congestion. The only choice is to have a two-way stop or signalization; he <br />could not justify the need for a signal based on the traffic counts. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Brandes, and seconded by Councilmember Wil- <br />son, that Resolution No. 88-199, approving the installation of signalization <br />at the intersection of Valley Avenue and Via De Los Milagros; amending the <br />Capital Improvement Program budget to cover the costs of this installation; <br />and instructing staff to establish temporary four-way stop signs at this loca- <br />tion as soon as possible, be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Mohr, Wilson, and Mayor Mercer <br /> <br /> - 5 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />