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299 <br />and storage facility, but only under approval of the application and condi- <br />tiona] use permit with the City of Dub]in so he cannot say how that is going <br />to go. Mr. Nakamura stated he is pushing for the additional six service bays <br />for the Suzuki building. The primary goal is to increase the ability to ser- <br />vice customers of the Susuki line. In coming years the emphasis wi]] be less <br />on sales and more on service. They would like to make the investment now <br />while they are in the position to do so; it wi]] be a large investment in <br />equipment as we]] as the building. There was also a concern on employee park- <br />ing; currently he is leasing a portion of the Longts parking lot (55 staJ]s) <br />and they would be keeping that. If they lost that parking space and needed to <br />go off-site they would clear enough inventory off so that employees could come <br />back on site to park. <br /> <br /> Mr. Nakamura stated another concern on the additional was the idea of <br />landscaping as far as the look of the building in back. All the plans are in <br />concert with what is existing. Additionally they would be landscaping the <br />back of the building. He asked for approval and expecially the signage ap- <br />plication so they can be visible as fast as possible. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes asked if Mr. Nakamura was willing to go along with <br />any landscaping requests that the City might put forth. Mr. Nakamura stated <br />that they are up against the freeway and do need the visibility. They are <br />willing to go within reason to make the building look aesthetically more <br />pleasing; he felt they could work with staff on that. He stated he would not <br />want to commit to any extensive things that would block out buildings, signage <br />or inventory. The landscaping that is there has only been there one year; <br />some of the trees and shrubs have not come on as quickly as they anticipated. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated that in addition to landscaping, part of the <br />problem is the gray and blue and blank walls. She doesn't argue with <br />simplicity but she feels the look of this establishment is drab. She stated <br />that the formation of cars like a parking lot does not seem like Val Strough <br />is showing off their project to their best advantage. To see the back yard of <br />this project with blank wall is what she is objecting to; she recognizes they <br />have paid premium price for freeway exposure but there has to be a middle <br />ground. She would like to see Val Strough work with staff regarding landscap- <br />ing, and if that happens she would like to be included in the meetings to see <br />what modifications can be done so that when people come over the overcrossing <br />they will get a more pleasing view as they enter the City. <br /> <br /> Mr. Nakamura stated that on the buildings he could not commit that he <br />would make dramatic changes on that; it is the design that was approved by the <br />owner and by the City. He stated he would be willing to work with staff rela- <br />tive to the landscaping. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated it was his understanding the City already has <br />in place, included in the approvals with the existing dealership, that there <br />certain lanes that have to be kept open for fire lanes, what is parking and no <br />parking areas, etc. If those are exceeded or violated then the City has the <br />right to go in there and require that they be corrected. It seems to him they <br />are talking about a very few parking places here and even if they did not want <br />to expand their service department that they still would have a potential of <br />having too many cars there at one time. He felt that the regulations and con- <br />ditions of approval gives the City leverage and leeway to make sure that the <br />conditions are complied with. <br /> <br /> - ll - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />