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297 <br /> Mr. Walker stated that Councilmember Brandes is correct and staff has is- <br /> sued citations for violations of some of those conditions of approval. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler stated that when the staff report was written nothing <br /> was new about the off-site investory parking. Mr. Walker advised that Mr. <br /> Swift could not be at this meeting but this information was nothing that staff <br /> had tome to examine. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated the changes presented tonight are not perma- <br /> nent changes. By putting in the six bays, Val Strough loses ten parking <br /> spots. Of the parking spaces they are putting on site, only three are legal. <br /> He feels nothing has been resolved and that there is a severe problem at this <br /> location; there is no permanent solution. He feels the parking should be per- <br /> manent and consistent with the site. <br /> <br /> Mr. Nakamura stated that getting back to the original service expansion <br /> they are losing ten stalls and he would be willing to work with staff on the <br /> on-site parking. As far as off-site parking, if he runs into a problem and he <br /> needs additional land and is getting cited he would get the permanent parking <br /> problem solved. He could move inventory off the site to allow for employee <br /> parking, if necessary. <br /> <br />C) Councilmember Wilson asked if Val Strough is meeting the requirements set <br />(Z)(Z) forth in Paragraph 8 of the staff report. Mr. Walker advised that they are in <br />Or) conformance without the service bays. <br />~ No one in the audience spoke in opposition to this item. <br /> <br /> There being no further testimony, Mayor Mercer declared the public hearing <br /> closed on the application. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated he wants Val Strough to meet conditions; he <br /> felt the matter can be approved and if they do not meet conditions they will <br /> be cited. He stated that adding the service bays is a small part of the <br /> potential problem and he did not feel that any of the conditions should be <br /> modified. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Wilson stated that if Council approved the bays the building <br /> will be a non-conforming building; the site is overbuilt. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated there are a finite number of parking spaces to <br /> be used by either employees or inventory. She stated that if Council requires <br /> x number of parking spaces for employees and customers then that will auto- <br /> matically control inventory. Should they get their bays they lose parking <br /> places so then they have the alternative of reducing inventory. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated they are looking to expand their side, their site has <br /> x amount of square feet and x number of employees; right now they cannot put <br /> enough cars and number of employees they have on the site so they have leased <br /> space from Longs for employee parking. Val Strough says they would like to <br /> expand by six bays which eliminates some additional parking; for them to meet <br /> condition 8 that they have to have a site plan that allows for proper parking <br /> under the ordinance they are suggesting that they can find another lot some- <br /> place else where they can place some of their cars. The solution is if Coun- <br /> cil wants them to have the six bay, give them the six bays and the signage and <br /> <br /> 12 - 5-3-88 <br /> <br /> <br />