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229 <br /> <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated that at the last City Council <br />meeting Council voted 4-1 to install four stop signs on West Las <br />Positas Boulevard. He advised he had received calls that only <br />three signs had been installed; he asked the status of the fourth <br />sign. <br /> <br /> Mr. Elliott stated he had been instructed not to install the <br />fourth sign until later. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer explained that he had received a telephone call <br />from a resident at the corner of Gulfstream. The resident <br />complained that the stop sign created a hardship at that driveway <br />and asked that the sign not be installed until after completion of <br />the bike lane and after a trial period to see how effective the <br />other stop signs are. Mayor Mercer advised that he called as many <br />Councilmembers as he could get hold of; they were agreeable to <br />waiting until later for installation of the stop sign at <br />Gulfstream and West Las Positas. Mayor Mercer then instructed Mr. <br />Elliott not to install the stop sign until the bike lanes are <br />completed and after a trial period on the other stop signs. He <br />added that he also talked to Mrs. Sutton and Mrs. Wallace and Mr. <br />Jardine, who also were agreeable to delay installation of the <br />fourth stop sign. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Brandes stated Council has informally discussed <br />the plaque for the new library but had not discussed placing the <br />names of the Library Committee on the plaque; he felt their names <br />should be included on the plaque as recognition for the many hours <br />of hard work they put in on this project. Councilmember Butler <br />suggested this matter be discussed under 12b - Sign Program for <br />Library. Council concurred. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated there has been interest in an auto <br />parts store in the new shopping center on Sunol Boulevard, which <br />use is not now allowed as a permitted use. After discussion, <br />Council instructed staff to prepare a preliminary assessment of <br />this matter for consideration at the next meeting. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> There were no City Council Committee Reports presented at <br />this meeting. <br /> <br />MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br /> Mr. Rick Dobbs, 3616 Portsmouth Court, stated he felt the <br />stop signs on West Las Positas Boulevard are effective. He felt <br />the bike lane stop signs should be smaller in size, as they are <br />confusing to motorists and dangerous for bikers. He asked when <br />the bike lanes would be completed. Mr. Elliott stated the project <br />is expected to be completed by the middle of the month. Mr. Dobbs <br />then asked when the fourth stop sign will be installed. Mayor <br />Mercer stated it should be installed around November 1st. <br /> - 5 - <br /> <br /> 10-4-88 <br /> <br /> <br />