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207 <br /> <br /> stated that one element of the social aspect is gambling. He felt <br /> the ordinance should include all forms of gambling. <br /> <br />~ Ms. Lavern Rogers, 2551 College Avenue, Livermore, stated she <br /> worked at the Pastime for fifteen years and never had to call the <br />T~ police and that sometimes she could not find a parking place in <br />'D the Pastime parking lot because people from other establishments <br />[] were parked there. She felt the Pastime should remain open and <br />~ that Jackie Shenave should have a license to run the cardroom. <br /> <br /> Mr. Scott Campbell, Heatherlark Circle, stated he recently <br /> moved here from Massachusetts where the only forms of gambling are <br /> lotto and horse racing; he thinks it is great to have a good place <br /> to play cards. He stated that if the ordinance is repealed there <br /> will be illegal card games, which will be worse that at the <br /> Pastime. <br /> <br /> Ms. Donna Martin, 907 Rose Avenue, stated she has reviewed <br /> the staff report and is taken back by the statement that "many <br /> property owners and business persons have been, and are, <br /> understandably fearful to public complain. This is because of <br /> threats, both real and perceived". She felt no one had reason to <br /> fear the cardroom; it is an establishment for card games and <br /> recreation - there are no drugs or fights. She stated there are <br /> other bars in the vicinity. <br /> <br /> Frank Shenave, Camp Pendleton, stated he joined the military <br /> because he believes in freedom; he felt his mother should have the <br /> same right to go as far as she can and that she is being denied <br /> that right. With the cardroom she will be able to do better. He <br /> added he grew up in bars and the type of people who go there are <br /> steady people who pay taxes, etc. <br /> <br /> Mr. Robert Kahn, Attorney representing Ms. Shenave, stated he <br /> disagreed that the ordinance does not have anything to do with the <br /> Pastime or Ms. Shenave. He stated the staff report is authored by <br /> Chief Eastman, and he is concerned that it is one man's effort. <br /> He felt it is the Police Chief against the Pastime. He cited <br /> various sections of the staff report: first, property owners and <br /> business persons being threatened and fearful - he asked if Jackie <br /> Shenave ever threatened anyone. He stated Chief Eastman says the <br /> ordinance will not work - Mr. Kahn stated the ordinance has worked <br /> well in the past. He added that Ms. Shenave has the right to <br /> appeal or present an initiative. He felt the Police Chief does <br /> not like the ordinance because of his lack of power to control <br /> cardrooms, it now being under control of the Council. Mr. Kahn <br /> felt Ordinance No. 953 is appropriate to control the people who <br /> wish to provide a service. The report does not represent the will <br /> of the people. He took exception to the point of the risk of <br /> criminality - he did not feel two gaming tables would create <br /> organized crime. As far as the statement that now is the best <br /> time to act, Mr. Kahn stated this sounds like shoot first and talk <br /> later. He stated the people who want to play cards preceded Chief <br /> Eastman and they will be here after he is gone. He urged Council <br /> - 16 - <br /> <br /> 10-4-88 <br /> <br /> <br />