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113 <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mr. Butler, and seconded by Mr. Tarver, that <br />Resolution No. 90-214 be adopted, based on a review of an initial <br />environmental impact study done for this project and on a finding <br />that no significant environmental impact would occur as outlined in <br />the City's guidelines and on further finding that a negative <br />declaration is appropriate in connection with PUD-90-7, the <br />application of Jay and Kyoung Ku for Planned Unit Development <br />Rezoning and Development Plan Approval to rezone an approximately <br />1.5 acre site located on the north side of Mohr Avenue immediately <br />westerly of the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way from <br />an "O" (Office) District to a "PUD-C-O" District and to construct <br />a two-story, approximately 48,000 square foot, 70 room senior care <br />facility. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, Tarver and Mayor <br /> Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br /> Mr. Butler pointed out that the issues raised by the neighbors <br />need to be considered. (1) With regard to the number of residents, <br />he indicated that the project has been conditioned to have a <br />maximum of 90 residents. (2) The question of staffing in relation <br />to the amount of traffic would be immaterial because although the <br />staff would be the primary people to generate significant traffic, <br />it would be far less than what an office development would <br />generate. (3) The City would require improvements to Mohr Avenue <br />by whatever project is eventually approved for the site. (4) The <br />issue that the building is too large for a fairly small site is <br />understandable for a site that has been vacant for many years. He <br />stated that he was in favor of the proposal, preferably Alternative <br />2, because it would be appropriate to allow the need for this type <br />of facility to be met by any combination of public and private <br />developers. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tarver commented that Alternative 2 is a significant <br />improvement over Alternative 1. He stated that there is no <br />question regarding the need for this facility as well as the <br />improvement of Mohr Avenue; however, there is a need to determine <br />how to construct and fund a soundwall down Mohr Avenue. He <br />indicated that he does not favor parking on Mohr Avenue even after <br />it is widened because that would add to the safety issues for <br />people travelling on Mohr Avenue. He mentioned that he did not <br />feel that enough was done to satisfy everyone's concern and that a <br />dialogue should be held between the developer and the neighbors. <br /> <br /> - 15 - <br /> 11-20-90 <br /> <br /> <br />