(ii) One million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000) for nonagricultural lands north of the ridge line of the
<br /> ~anta
<br /> (iii) One raftlion dollar~ ($1,000,000) for the preservation of agricultural hand in Santa Barbara CoUnty as identified
<br />for agricultural use in the Santa Barbara County Comprehensive Plan. These funds shall be used primarily for the ae-
<br />quisition of conservation easements.
<br /> (I) Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for a grant to the County of Monterey for acquisition of conservation easements
<br />in Monterey County on agricultural lands in the Salinas and Pajaro Valleys.
<br /> (J) Two million dollan ($2,000,000) for a grant to the Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District to expand the
<br />Garland Ranch Regional Park and for acquisition of natural lands and wildlife and riparian habitat in the Bixby Creek
<br />watershed.
<br /> (K) One million dollars ($1,000,000) for a grant to the County of Santa Cruz for acquisition of conservation easements
<br />in Santa Cruz County on commercially viable agricultural lands in the Pajaro Valley and the coastal terrace north of the
<br />City &Santa Cruz, consistent with Section 2.3.1 of the Santa Cruz County General Plan.
<br /> ( L ) Fift~n million dollars ( $15,000,000 ) for acquisition of those greenbelt lands know~ as the Pogonip property located
<br />in the City of Santa Cruz and the County of Santa Cruz, as defined in the 1979 City &Santa Cruz Greenbelt Ordinance.
<br />This acquisition shall be accomplished through grants to the following entities listed in order of priority: (1) the City of
<br />Santa Cruz and (2) a park and olin space district or a park and recreation district formed by the local electorate.
<br /> (M) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for a grant to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District for acquisition
<br />in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (i) One million dollan ($1,000,000) for acquisition of land between property managed by the district and Castle Rock
<br />State Park and Portola State Park.
<br /> (ii) Nine million dollan ($9,000,000) for expansion of Rancho San Antonio, Sierra Azul, E1 Sereno, E1Corte de Madera
<br />Creek, and Windy Hill Open Space Preserves and for acquisition of Teague Hill Open Space Preserve.
<br /> (N) Thirteen million dollars ($13,000,000) for a grant to the East Bay Regional Park District in accordance with the
<br />following schedule:
<br /> (i) Ten million dollan ($10,000,000) for expenditure in accordance with the East Bay Regional Park District Master
<br />Plan, for expansion of Morgan Territory Regional Park and Briones Regional Park, acquisitions of natural lands along
<br />the Carquinez Straits and on Pleasanton Ridge, and shoreline access and trail acquisitions adjacent to the San Francisco
<br />Bay.
<br /> (ii) One million five hundred thousand dollars(S1,500,000> for acquisition of lands in the southern portion of Walpert
<br />Ridge in Hayward in central Alameda County.
<br /> (iii) One million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) for expansion of the Carquinez Shoreline Park in Port
<br />Costa.
<br /> (O) Five million dollars ($5,000.000) for a grant to the Marin County Open Space District for acquisition of natural
<br />lands on Loma Alta Mountain, Big Rock Ridge, and other wetlands, wildlife habitat, and natural lands in accordance
<br />with the Environmental Quality and Open Space Elements of the Marin Countywide Plan.
<br /> (P) Fii~een million dollars ($15,000,000) for a grant to the County of Marin for preservation of, and for grants by the
<br />county to nonprofit organizations for preservation of agricultural lands in the Marin County coastal zone and inland rural
<br />corridor, in accordance with the Marin County Agricultural Land Preservation Program. Funds provided in this sub-
<br />paragraph shall be used primarily to acquire agricultural conservation easements.
<br /> (Q) One million six hundred thousand dollan ($1,600,000) for a grant to the City of Mill Valley for acquisition of
<br />natural lands on the Northridge and spun of Mount Tamal pais, in accordance with the Open Space Elements in the Marin
<br />Countywide Plan or the Mill Valley General Plan, or both.
<br /> (R) One million dollars ($1,000,000) for a grant to the City of Vacaville for acquisition of natural lands along the
<br />ridgelands of the Vaca Mountains, Blue Ridge Mountains, and English Hills, including Old Rocky, for a ridgeline park
<br />in accordance with the Vacaville City General Plan.
<br /> (S) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for a grant to the City of Davis for acquisition of, or for grants from the city to
<br />nonprofit organizations for acquisition of, wildlife and riparian habitat, wetlands, and potential wetlands within the 1987
<br />Davis General Plan Study Area.
<br /> (T) Six million dollars ($6,000,000) for a grant to the County of Sacramento, to be shared by the county with the City
<br />of Sacramento on a per capita basis, for acquisition of parklands, wetlands, wildlife habitat, and related greenbelt areas
<br />in the county along Morrison Creek, Dry Creek, Snodgrass Slough, Cosumnes River, Laguna Creek, Sacramento River,
<br />and American River, consistent with the County Park System Master Plan.
<br /> (U) Four hundred thousand dollan ($400,000) for a grant to Lake County for acquisition of a county park that provides
<br />
<br /> (c) Eighty-one raftlion three hundred thousand dollars ($81,300,000) to the Wildlife Conservation Board ~br programs
<br />involving the acquisition of land pursuant to the Wildlife Conservation Law of 1947, subject to Section 2625 of the Fish
<br />and Game Code and consistent with the purposes of this division, and for grants to local agencies, including an amount
<br />not to exceed one million two hundred nineteen thousand five hundred dollars ($1,219,500) for state administrative costs,
<br />in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (1) Thirty-eight million dollars ($38,000,000) for projects involving the acquisition, preservation, protection, resto-
<br />ration, enhancement, or development of wetlands for wildfowl and other wildlife habitat, in accordance with the following
<br />schedule:
<br /> (A) Thirteen million dollars ($13,000,000) for acquisition or restoration of wetlands within or adjacent to ( 1 ) the areas
<br />subject to the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission or (2) the boundaries of
<br />historic San Francisco Bay wetlands as designated in the 1985 United States Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetland
<br />Inventory Maps for the San Francisco Bay Area or in subsequent updates with not less than eight million dollars
<br />($8,000,000) for acquisition or restoration of wetlands south of the San Mateo Bridge.
<br /> (B) Twenty-five nullion dollan ($25.000,000) for wetlands outside the coastal zone as defined in Section 30103 and
<br />other than within the area defined in subparagraph
<br /> i2) Two million dollars ($2,000,000! for acquisition of Monarch Butterfly habitat.
<br /> (3) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for acquisition of riparian habitat that drains into the Pacific Ocean within the
<br />Counties of San Diego, Orange, Los Angeles, and Ventura.
<br /> (4) Four million dollars t$4,000,000) for acquisition of land containing Tecate Cypress forest and associated rare
<br />species in Coal Canyon in Orange County.
<br /> ( 5 ) Five million dollars ($5,000,000) for acquisition of wildlife habitat and natural lands along the San Joaquin River
<br />between Friant Dam and Highway 99 in the Counties of Fresno and Madera.
<br /> (6) Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000} for acquisition of valley oak riparian forest and wetlands along the
<br />Mokelum.~e River near Gait in San Joaquin County.
<br /> (7) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for acquisition of wetlands, riparian habitat. vernal pools, and immediately
<br />adjacent natural uplands in the vicinity of the Stanislaus. Tuol umne, Merced, and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries
<br />in Stanislaus, San Joaquin, and Merced Counties.
<br /> (8) Four million dollars {$4,000,000) for acquisition of riparian habitat along the Sacramento River from Shasta Dam
<br />to Collinsville.
<br /> (9) One million dollars ($1,000,000) for acquisition of riparian habitat along the Feather River from Oroville to the
<br />mouth of the river.
<br /> ~ 10) Four million dollars { $4,000,000 ) for acquisition dinland, San Pablo Bay, and coastal wetlands in Sonoma County,
<br />including the Laguna de Santa Rosa.
<br /> (11) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for acquisition within the Napa Marsh and associated wetlands.
<br /> (12) One million dollars ~$1,000,0001 for acquisition of wildlife habitat along the east shore of Lake Berryessa as
<br />identified by the Department of Fish and Game.
<br /> (13) Four million dollars 154,000,000 ~ for acquisit ion of sensitive riparian areas, meadows. critical wildlife habitat,
<br />and recreation lands in the Hope Valley area just south of Lake Tahoe in Alpine County. Portions of these lands which
<br />could provide compatible recreational opportunities may be managed by the Department of Parks and Recreation under
<br />an interagency agreement with the Department of Fish and Game.
<br /> ~14) Four million dollars ($4 000,000) for acquisition of old growth redwoods, mixed forest, and wildlife habitat near
<br />the town of Whitethorn in the Mattole River watershed in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties.
<br /> (d) Fifty-eight million dollars ($58,000,000) to the State Coastal Conservancy pursuant to Division 211commencing
<br />with Section 31000 ~. consistent with the purposes of this division. for acquisition. enhancement, or restoration of natural ' ' '.--L
<br />lands and development of' public accessways in coastal areas and the San Francisco Bay region: and for preservation of
<br />agriculture in coastal areas. and for grants to local agencies and nonprofit organizations. and for related state admin-
<br />istrative costs. in acc, rdance '~,'ith the followin~ scheduk.:
<br />
<br />
<br />