(b) Three hundred thirty-eight million seven hundred thousand dollars ($338,700,000) to the Department of Parks
<br />and Recreation for acquisition of park lands, wildlife habitat, coastal, and natural lands in California, and for grants to
<br />local agencies and nonprofit organizations, including an amount not to exceed five raftlion eighty thousand five hundred
<br />dollars ($5,080,500) for state administrative costs, in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (1) Ninety-eight million six hundred thousand dollars ($98,600,000) to the Department of Parks and Recreation for
<br />acquisition of real property in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (A) Twelve million dollars ($12,000,000)/br acquisition of land for the California Redwood State Parks, including,
<br />but not limited to, Big Basin Redwoods, Butano, Calaveras Big Trees, Forest of Nisene Marks, Hendy Woods, Humboldt
<br />Lagoons, Humboldt Redwoods, Jedediah Smith Redwoods, Portola, Prairie C reek Redwoods, Richardson Grove, and Sink-
<br />yone Wilderness State Parks; Benbow Lake State Recreation Area, Fort Ross State Historical Park, and Paul M. Dimmick
<br />State Wayside Campground; provided that each dollar up to at least ten million dollars ($10,000,000) from the funds to
<br />be spent pursuant to this subparagraph shall be matched with an equal mount in money or property from private gifts,
<br />city or county appropriations, or alternative sources other than the State of California.
<br /> IB) Five raftlion dollars ($5,000,000) for acquisition of land within and adjacent to Anza- Borrego Desert State Park.
<br /> (C) Nineteen million dollars ($19,000,000) for acquisition of land in the Palm Canyon and Andreas Canyon region
<br />near Palm Springs for a park for the preservation of Indian heritage and of native palms.
<br /> (D) Seven million dollars ($7,000,000) for acquisition of lands in accordance with the general plan for the Chino Hills
<br />State Park, including the lands north of Highway 142.
<br /> (E) Ten million dollars ~$10,000,000) for acquisition of land for additions to the Santa Susana Mountain Project to
<br />preserve historic and scenic sites', for hiking and equestrian trails, or for wildlife habitat and migration routes; provided
<br />that all acquisitions shah be located within the Rim of the Valley Corridor as defined in Section 33105.5 within the Simi
<br />Hills or Santa Susazxa Mountains in Los Angeles and Venturn Counties.
<br /> (F) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for acquisitions within and adjacent to Big Basin Redwoods State Park and Castle
<br />Rock State Park in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
<br /> (G) Three million dollars ($3,000,000) for acquisition of lands in Santa Clara County within and adjacent to Henry
<br />Coo State Park and for lands in Stanislaus County within the park.
<br /> (H) One million dollars ($1,000,000) for acquisition of natural lands for expansion of Pescadero Marsh Natural Pre-
<br />serve at Pescadero State Beach.
<br /> (I) Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) for acquisition of land for an East Bay Shoreline State Park in the
<br />Counties of Alameda or Contra Costa, or both, generally in accordance with the East Bay Shoreline feasibility study.
<br /> (J) Four million dollars ($4,000,000) for acquisition of natural lands within and adjacent to Mr. Diablo State Park.
<br /> (K) Four million dollars ~$4,000,000) for implementation of the Frank's Tract State Recreation Area General Plan
<br />with first priority given to the western portion, providing secondary wave protection bonefits to adjacent islands.
<br /> (L) One million six hundred thousand dollars ($1,600,000) for acquisition of wetlands in and adjacent to the Delta
<br />Meadows Project.
<br /> (M) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for acquisition of natural lands within and adjacent to Robert Louis Stevenson
<br />State Park.
<br /> (N) One million dollan ($1,000,000) for expansion of Anderson Marsh State Historic Park.
<br /> (O) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for expansion of the South Yuba Project along the South Fork of the Yuba River
<br />to protect scenic vistas and riparian habitat and to provide for recreational trails.
<br /> (2) Fifty-four million seven hundred thousand dollars ($54,700,000) for acquisition, development, rehabilitation, or
<br />restoration of real property in the state park system in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (A) Four seven million hundred thousand dollars ($4,700,000) for acquisitions of real property inside the boundaries
<br />of existing projects or units or as additions to existing projects or units.
<br /> (B) Fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000) for development, rehabilitation, or restoration of coastal resources, other
<br />than coastal resources in or on San Francisco Bay, in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (i) Eight million dollars ($8,000,000) within San Diego County through Santa Barbara County.
<br /> (ii) Four million dollars ($4,000,000) within San Luis Obispo County through the City and County of San Francisco.
<br /> (iii) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) within Marin County through Del None County.
<br /> (C) Three million dollars ($3,000,000) for development, rehabilitation, or restoration of resources in or on San Fran-
<br />cisco Bay.
<br /> (D) Eight million dollars ($8,000,000) for development, rehabilitation, or restoration of inland resources.
<br /> (E) Two million dollars ($2,000,000) for development, rehabilitation, or restoration at lakes, reservoirs, and water-
<br />ways, including the State Water Facilities, as defined in paragraphs ( 1 ) to ~4), inclusive, ofsubdivison (d) of Section 12934
<br />of the Water Code.
<br /> (F) One million dollars ($1,000,000) for the repair of storm damage and construction to prevent future storm damage.
<br /> (G) Three million dollars {$3,000,000) for planning, development, rehabilitation, restoration, or interpretive facilities
<br />in support of volunteer community action projects for the state park system.
<br /> (H) Ten million dollars ~$10,000,000) for the increased stewardship of the public investment in the protection of the
<br />most critical natural and scenic features of the existing state park system.
<br /> (I) Five million dollars {$5,000,000) for rehabilitation and restoration of historical resources of the state park system.
<br /> (J) Three million dollars ($3,000,000~ for development and rehabilitation of trails within the state park system or
<br />connecting units of the state park system.
<br /> (K) One raillion dollars ($1,000,000) for acquisition and development oftrailheads for the Sno-Park program pursuant
<br />to Chapter 1.27 (commencing with Section 5091.01) of Division 5, including access to the Tahoe Rim Trail.
<br /> (3) One hundred eighty-five million four hundred thousand dollars ($185,400,000) to the Department of Parks and
<br />Recreation for grants to local agencies in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> IA) Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) for a gran~ ~o San Diego County in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (i) Ten million dollars ($10.000,000} for acquisition of natural lands in ~he San Dieguito River Valley.
<br /> (ii) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for acquisition of natural lands in the Tijuana River Valley.
<br /> (iii) Ten million dollars ($10~000,000) for acquisition of San Diego County resource conservation areas and urban
<br />canyons in accordance with the resource element of the County General Plan.
<br /> CB) Ten million dollars {$10,000,000) for a grant to the City of Laguna Beach for acquisition of. and for grants by the
<br />city to nonprofit organizations for acquisition of, natural lands within and contiguous to the Laguna Greenbelt as described
<br />in the Orange County General Plan.
<br /> (C) Four million dollars ($4,000,000} for a grant to the City of Irvine for acquisition ofnatural lands in the open space
<br />spine designated in the City of Irvine General Plan.
<br /> (D) Eleven million dollars { $11,000,000) for a grant to the City of Riverside in accordance with the following schedule:
<br /> ( i } One mi!lio~ dollars ( $ ! ,000,GO0 ) for acquisition ofna~m al lands in Sycamore C anyon Wiiderness Park in accordance
<br />with the city of Riverside Specific Plan.
<br /> (ii) Ten million dollars ($10,000.000) for acquisition of land in and near the California Citrus State Historic Park
<br />located in the Arlington Heights area of Riverside.
<br /> (E) Two million four hundred thousand dollars ( $2,400,000 ~ for a grant to the County of Riverside in accordance with
<br />the following schedule:
<br /> (i) Four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) for acquisition of land to expand Hurkey Creek Park.
<br /> (ii) One million dollars {$1,000,000) for acquisition of land for trails in the Santa Ana River Corndor.
<br /> (iii) One million dollars I$1,000.00O) for acquisition of land for trails suitable for equestrian .,and hiking uses in Riv-
<br />erside County, including the Tcmescal Canyon Trail.
<br /> (F) Twenty million dollars t $20.000,000 ~ for a grant to the Cm~nty of San Bernardino for acqdisition of land primarily
<br />through the use of conservation easements within the Chino Agricultural Preserve.
<br /> (G) Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000.000~ for a grant to Los Angeles County in accordance with the following
<br />schedule:
<br /> l i} Ten million dollars IS 10,000.000) tbr acquisition or development of' noncommer,.c. ial visitor use and access facilities,
<br />and/or renovationof existing facilities at county, state. or city beaches operated by Los Angeles County.
<br /> ( ii ~ Ten million dollars I $10.000,000 ~ tbr acquisition of'land for the Baldwin Hills State Recreation Area in accordance
<br />with the general plan for Baldwin Hills State Recreation Area.
<br /> (iii) Five million dollars 155.000,000) for acquisition of natural lands to establish the Brea Heights Regional County
<br />Park.
<br /> /H) Seven million dollars ~$7.000.000~ for a grant to ~he County of Santa Barbara for acquisition of natural lands,
<br />wildlife habitat. we~lands. and agricultural land preservation. in incorporated and unincorporated areas. in accor. dance
<br />~ith the following schedule e::cept that expenditures i~r nona~,Ticultural lands shall he limited ~o acqui:~il'.ion of lands in
<br />the (?oastal Zone and shall be of sufficient size to I~ a major natural or low intensity community recreational resource:
<br />
<br />
<br />