(i) Four million eight hundred thousand dollars ($4,800,00(~) for non~gricultura~ ~ands located south of the ridge line
<br />of_th~S MouataiaBan~*~.._- '. ....... '
<br />~1 ) ~~r million dollars ($34,000,000) to the State Coastal Conservancy for acquisition, enhancement, or res-
<br />toration of natural lands, and development of public accessways in coastal areas and the San Francisco Bay region; and
<br />for preservation of agriculture in coastal areas, pursuant to Division 21 (commencing with Section 31000). These funds
<br />include the five million eight hundred fifty thousand dollars ($5,850,000) advanced by the Coastal Conservancy to the
<br />Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for the Circle X acquisition in the Santa Monica Mountains. Up to one million five
<br />hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) of the total funds available pursuant to this paragraph shall be spent on expansion
<br />of the Bolsa Chica Linear Park in Orange County or for disbursement to the City of Huntington Beach or other appropriate
<br />agencies for this purpose, or for restoration, enhancement, or expansion of the Bolsa Chica wetlands that is not otherwise
<br />required for mitigation, or both. Up to four million dollars ($4,000,000) of the total funds available pursuant to this
<br />paragraph shall be spent for the purposes of paragraph (2) if the funds allocated in paragraph (2) prove to be insufficient
<br />to achieve the purposes of that paragraph.
<br />(2) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for acquisition of natural lands to preserve coastal resources in the coastal dunes
<br />and wetlands from Mussel Point to Grover City west of Highway 1 in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties. Up
<br />to seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) may be spent for dunes restoration and public access consistent with
<br />coastal resources preservation.
<br />(3) One million five hundred thousand dollan ($1,500,000) for acquisition of coastal natural lands and wetlands in
<br />Monterey County between Monterey Wharf #2 and the Salinas River.
<br />(4) Eight million dollars ($8,000,000) for acquisition of, and for grants to public agencies or nonprofit organizations
<br />for acquisition of, coastal lands within San Mateo County that meet three or more of the following criteria, with preference
<br />given to lands meeting the largest number of criteria: ( 1 ) ocean frontage, (2) state or county scenic corridor, (3) designated
<br />in the County General Plan as agriculture, (4) sensitive habitat areas or wetlands, (5) close proximity to urban areas, or
<br />(6) adjacent to other permanently dedicated public or private natural lands. These funds shall not be used for urban
<br />waterfronts or for lot consolidation projects as defined in Chapters 5 (commencing with Section 31200 ) and 7 (commencing
<br />with Section 31300) of Division 21.
<br />(5) Four million dollan ($4,000,000) for acquisitions in Sonoma County ofcoastal natural lands and coastal wetlands
<br />south of Stewart Point, and for acquisition of San Pablo Bay wetlands and natural lands.
<br />(6) Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for acquisition of, and for grants to nonprofit organizations for acqui-
<br />sition of, land containing old growth Douglas-fir on Mill Creek, a tributary of the Mattole River in Humboldt County, and
<br />for public access to the lands acquired.
<br />(e) Eighty-two million dollars ($82,000,000) to the following agencies, and for grants to local agencies and nonprofit
<br />organizations, including state administrative costs, for the following purposes:
<br />( 1 ) Seventeen million dollars ( $17,000,000 ) to the Department or Fish and Game, including an amount not to exceed
<br />two hundred fifty-five thousand dollars ($255,000} for state administrative costs, in accordance with the following
<br />schedule:
<br />(A) Ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for restoration and enhancement of salmon streams in accordance with the
<br />recommendations of the Commercial Salmon Stamp Advisory Committee and the Advisory Committee on Salmon and
<br />Steelhead Trout.
<br />(B) Six million dollars ($6,000,000) for restoration and enhancement of wild trout and native steelhead habitat; for
<br />capital outlay to design, develop, and construct an experimental wild trout and native steelhead propagation facility; for
<br />acquisition of land important for the perpetuation of wild trout and native steelhead; and to provide public access to w~d
<br />trout and native steelhead waters.
<br />(C) One million dollan ($1,000,0001 for marine patrol boats and other equipment for enforcement of fish and game
<br />regulations to protect fish, marine birds, and marine mammals from Point Conception to Fort Bragg.
<br />(2) Five million dollars ($5,000,000) to the Department of Forestry rot urban forestry programs, and for related state
<br />administrative costs not to exceed two hundred Fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), in accordance with Section 4799.12.
<br />(3) Five million dollan ($5,000,000) to the Department of Water Resources for grants to counties, cities, cities and
<br />counties, districts, and nonprofit organizations for the acquisition or restoration of natural lands which contain urban
<br />streams, creeks, and riparian areas, and for related state administrative costs not to exceed two hundred fifty thousand
<br />dollars ($250,000), in accordance with Section 7048 of the Water Code.
<br />(4) Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy for land acquisition and for
<br />grants to nonprofit organizations for land acquisition in the Santa Monica Mountains, and for related state administrative
<br />costs, pursuant to Division 23 (commencing with Section 33000) and consistent with the purposes of this division. Five
<br />million dollars ($5,000,000) of this amount shall be for grants to nonprofit organizations pursuant to Section 33204.2.
<br />(5) Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) to the County of Monterey to be transferred directly to the 1988 Bond
<br />Act Account of the Big Sur Preservation Fund of Monteroy County to support implementation of"cntical viewshed" policies
<br />of the county's Big Sur Coast Land Use Plan which was certified by the California Coastal Commission on April 9, 1986,
<br />as a component of the Big Star Local Coastal Program.
<br />The intent of this paragraph is to ensure that the exceptional vistas seen from Scenic Highway One along the Big
<br />Sur Coast in Monterey County will be preserved in a manner that ensures the continuation of existing state and local
<br />jurisdiction over the Big Sur area.
<br />5910. (a) The grant funds authorized pursuant to paragraph ( 1 ) of subdivision ia) of Section 5907 shall be allocated
<br />to counties, cities, cities and counties, and districts on the basis of their populations, as determined by the Department
<br />of Parks and Recreation in cooperation with the Department of Finance. on the basis of the most recent verifiable census
<br />data and other population data as the Department ~d' Parks and Recreation may require to be furnished by any county,
<br />city, city and county, or district.
<br />fb) Forty percent of the total funds available for grants shall be allocated to counties and regional park. open-space,
<br />or park and open-space districts formed pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 5500). Each county's allocation
<br />shall be in the same ratio as the county's population is to the state's total population, except that each county is entitled
<br />to a minimum allocation of one hundred thousand dollars ( $100,000 ). In any county that embraces all or part of the territory
<br />of a regional park, open-space, or park and open-space district whose board of directors is not the county board of super-
<br />visors, the amount allocated to the county shall be apportioned between the regional district and the county in proportion
<br />to the population of the county that is included within the territory of the regional district and the population of the county
<br />that is outside the territory of the regional district.
<br />(c) (1) Sixty percent of the total funds available for grants shall be allocated to cities and districts, other than regional
<br />park, open-space, or park and open-space districts. Each city's and each district's allocation shall be in the same ratio as
<br />the city's or district's population is to the combined total of the state's population that is included in incorporated areas
<br />and in unincorporated areas within the districts. except that each city or district is entitled to ~ minimum allocp. tion of
<br />twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). In any instance in which the boundary of a city overlaps the boundary. of a district,
<br />the population in the area of overlapping jurisdictions shall be attributed to each jurisdiction in proportion to the extent
<br />to which each operates and manages parks and recreational areas and facilities for that population. In any instance in
<br />which the boundary of a city overlaps the boundary of a district, and in the area of overlap the city does not operate and
<br />manage parks and recreational areas and facilities, all grant funds shall be allocated to the district.
<br />(2) Each city and district whose boundaries overlap shall develop a specific plan for allocating the grant funds in
<br />accordance with the formula specified in paragraph ( 1 ). If by October 1, 1990, the plan has not been agreed to by the
<br />affected jurisdictions and submitted to the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Director of Parks and Recreation
<br /> shall determine the allocation of the grant funds among the afi'ected jurisdictions. -
<br /> (d) Individual application for grants pursuant to subdivision i a) of Section 5907 shall be submitted to the Department
<br /> of Parks and Recreation for approval as to conformit>' with the requirements of this division. The application shall be
<br /> accompanied bv certification from the planning agency' of the applicant that the project for which the grnnt is applied is
<br /> consistent wit~ the park and recreation clement of the applicablt, city or county general plan or the district park and
<br /> recreation plan and will satisfy a high priority need. In order to utilize available grant funds as effectively as possible,
<br /> overlapping or adjoining jurisdictions are encouraged to combine projects and submit a joint application.
<br /> (e> The minimum amount that the applicant may request tbr any individual project is twenty thousand dollars
<br /> ($20,000). Any agency may allocate all or a portion of its per capita share for a regional or state project.
<br /> (f) The Director of Parks and Recreation shall annually forward a statement of the total amount to be appropriated
<br /> in each fiscal year for projects approved for grants pursuant to subdivision ~ a~ of Section 5907 to the Director of Finance
<br /> for inclusion in the Budget Bill. The amount of grant funds to be allocated to each eligible jurisdiction shall be published
<br /> in the Governor's Budget for the fiscal year in which the appropriation for ~hose grants is to be made and. as soon as
<br /> possible thereafter, a list of projects for ~vhich aTant.~ have been approved shall be made available by the Department of
<br /> Parks and Recreation.
<br />
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