909-12th Street, $uite 203
<br /> Californians for Parks and Wildlife S,cr e.to, Uifomia 9SSI4
<br /> (916) 448-1786
<br /> PROPOS'ITION 70
<br /> act authorizes a general obligation bond issue of seven hundred seventy-six million dollars ($776,000,000) to
<br /> provide funds for ac uisition, develo ment, rehabilitation, protection, or restoration of park, wildlife, coastal,
<br /> and natural lands in ~alifornia incluSng lands supporting unique or endangered plants or animals. Funds from
<br /> bond sales would be administered primarily by or through California Department of Parks and Recreation,
<br /> Wildlife Conservation Board, and State Coastal Conservancy with funds made available to other state and local
<br /> agencies and nonprofit organizations. Contains provisions in event other conservation bond acts are enacted.
<br /> Summary of Legislative Analyst's estimate of net state and local government fiscal impact: Assuming all the
<br /> bonds are sold at 7.5 percent interest and state repays the principal and interest over 20 years, the overall cost of
<br /> repayment would be about $1.4 billion. To the extent these bonds increase amount state borrows, state and local
<br /> governments may pay more interest on other bond programs. State income taxes could be reduced to the extent
<br /> California taxpayers invest in these tax free bonds instead of other taxable investments.
<br /> SECTION 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation
<br /> Act of 1988.
<br /> SECTION 2. Division 5.8. (commencing with Section 5900) is added to the Public Resources Code, to read:
<br />
<br />
<br /> 5900. This division shall be known and may be cited as the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation
<br /> Act.
<br /> 5901. The people of California fred and declare all of the following:
<br /> (a) Parks, wildlife habitat, beaches, and open-space lands are vital to maintaining the quality of life in California.
<br />As the state's population increases, it is of growing importance to provide parks and recreational opportunities to the
<br />residents of California.
<br /> (b) Preservation of California's unique natural heritage is in the interest of all Californians.
<br /> 5902. As used in this division, the following terms have the following meanings:
<br /> (a) "Conservation easement" means an interest in real property as defined in Section 815.1 of the Civil Code.
<br /> (b) "District" means any regional park or open-space district formed pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section
<br />5500) of Chapter 3 of Division 5 and any recreation and park district formed pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with
<br />Section 5780) of Division 5 With respect to any community or unincorporated region which is not included within a regional
<br />park or open-space district or a recreation and park district and in which no city or county provides parks or recreational
<br />areas or facilities, "district" also means any other district which is authorized by statute to operate and manage parks or
<br />recreational areas or facilities, employs a full-time park and recreation director and offers year-round park and recreation
<br />services on lands and facilities owned by the district, and allocates a substantial portion of its annual operating budget
<br />to parks or recreation areas or facilities.
<br /> (c) "Fund" means the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Fund of 1988 created pursuant to
<br />Section 5906.
<br /> (d) "Historical resource" includes, but is not limited to, any building, structure, site areas, or place which is historically
<br />or archeologically significant, or is significant in the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, agricultural, edu-
<br />cational, social, political, military, or cultural annals of California.
<br /> (e) "Historical preservation project" means a project designed to preserve an historical resource which is either listed
<br />in the National Register of Historic Places or is registered as either a state historical landmark or point of historical
<br />interest pursuant to Section 5021.
<br /> (f) "Local coastal program" means any program created under Section 30108.6.
<br /> (g) "Natural lands" means an area of relatively undeveloped land which (1) has substantially retained its charac-
<br />teristics as provided by nature or has been substantially restored, or which can be feasibly restored, to a near-natural
<br />condition, and which has outstanding wildlife, scenic, open-space, or park resources, or a combination thereo~ or ( 2 ) meets
<br />the definition of open-space land in Section 65560 of the Government Code.
<br /> (h) "Nonprofit organization" means any charitable organization described in Section 501(c) (3) of the federal Internal
<br />Revenue Code, which has among its primary purposes the conservation and preservation of wetlands or of lands pre-
<br />dommately in their natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, forested, or open-space condition.
<br /> (i) "Park" means a tract of land with outstanding scenic, natural, open-space, or recreational values, set apart to
<br />conserve natural, scenic, cultural, or ecological resources for present and future generations, and to be used by the public
<br />as a place for rest, recreation, education, exercise, inspiration, or enjoyment.
<br /> {j ) "Riparian habitat" means lands that contain habitat which grows close to and which depends upon soil moisture
<br />from a nearby freshwater source.
<br /> (k) "Stewardship" means the development and implementation of major programs for the protection, rehabilitation,
<br />restoration, and enhancement of the basic natural systems and outstanding scenic features of the state park system. It
<br />does not mean the maintenance or alteration of facilities, developments, or any physical installations whose original
<br />purpose was not the protection of natural scenic resources.
<br /> ( 1 ) "Wetlands" means lands which may be covered periodically or permanently with shallow water and which include
<br />saltwater marshes, freshwater marshes, open or closed brackish water marshes, swamps, mudfiats, fens, and vernal
<br />pools.
<br /> 5903. For the purposes of the State General Obligation Bond Law, "state grant" or "state grant moneys" means moneys
<br />received by the state from the sale of bonds authorized by law for the purposes of this division which are available for
<br />grants to counties, cities, cities and counties, districts, and nonprofit organizations.
<br />5905. Wildlife, coastal, and park land conservation is in the public interest and is necessary to keep these lands in
<br />open-space, natural, and recreational uses, to provide clean air and water, to protect significant environmental and scenic
<br />values ofwildlife and plant habitat, riparian and wetland areas, and other open-space lands, and to provide opportunities
<br />for the people of California to enjoy, appreciate, and visit natural environments and recreational areas.
<br /> It is the intent ofthe People of California in enacting this division that it be carried out in the most expeditious manner
<br />possible, and that all state officials implement this division to the fullest extent of their authority.
<br /> 5906. The California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Fund o,; ~988 is hereby created.
<br /> 5907. All money deposited in the fund shall be available for expenditure, in accordance with Section 5921, for the
<br />purposes set forth below, in amounts not to exceed the following:
<br /> (a) One hundred sixty-six million dollars ($166,000,000) to the Department of Parks and Recreation for grants to
<br />counties, cities, cities and counties, districts, and nonprofit organizations for acquisition, development. rehabilitation, or
<br />restoration of real property for parks, beaches, wildlife habitat, natural lands, recreation, or preservation of historical
<br />resources, including an amount not to exceed two million four hundred ninety thousand dollars ($2,490,000) for state
<br />administrative costs, in accordance with the following Schedule:
<br /> ( 1 ) One hundred twenty million dollars ($120,000,000) for grants to counties, cities, and districts on a per capiL~ basis
<br />for the acquisition, development, rehabilitation. or restoration of real property for parks, beaches, wildlife habitat, natural
<br />lands. and recreation, except that each county is entitled to not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000 I.
<br /> (2) Twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) for expenditure by the Department of Parks and Recreation for the purpose
<br />of the Roberti-Z'berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program Act (Chapter 3.2 ~commencing with Section
<br />5620) of Division 5 of the Public Resources Code ).
<br /> (3) Ten million dollars 1510,000,000) for competitive ~ants for park. beach. and recreational purposes to public agen-
<br />cies which provide significant park and recreational opportunities to the general public and are not eligible for grants
<br />pursuant to paragraph ( 1 k
<br /> (4) Eleven million dollars/$11,000,000) for competitive ~wants to public agencies and nonprofit organizations for
<br />acquisition, development, rehabilitation, or restoration of historical or archeological resources and for historical and
<br />archeological resources preservation projects and costs of planning and interpretation. Not less than one million dollars
<br />($1.000,000) shali be used fbr archeolo~ical resources preservation purposes. ·
<br /> (51 Five million dollars , $5 .0001)00 ! for competitive ~ants to public agencies and nonprofit organizations for acqui- "' -
<br />sition and development c,f kxnd and rights-of-way for bicvcte. horse. hikin~ and handicapped access trails.
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