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(g) Funds appropriated for grants pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 5907 shall be encumbered by the recipie~lt <br /> within three years of the date when the appropriation became effective, regardless of the date when each project was <br /> approved pursuant to this section. Commencing with the Budget Bill for the 1992 -93 fiscal year, any grant funds authorized <br /> under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 5907 that were not accepted by the recipient, or were not <br /> encumbered by the recipient within that three-year period, are available for appropriation for one or more of the classes <br /> of expenditures specified in Section 5907 that the Legislature deems to be of the highest priority statewide. <br /> 5911. Funds authorized in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 5907 may be expended for the acquisition, <br /> development, rehabilitation, or restoration of parks, beaches, open-space lands, recreational trails, or recreational facil- <br /> ities and areas, and for development rights or scenic easements in connection with those acquisitions. After at least one <br /> public hearing, the Director of Parks and Recreation shall prepare and adopt criteria and procedures for evaluating those <br /> competitive grants. The minimum amount that the applicant may request for any individual project is twenty thousand <br /> dollars ( $20,000 ). <br /> 5912. The funds authorized in paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 5907 shall be available as grants on a <br /> competitive basis to cities, counties, cities and counties, districts, and nonprofit organizations and shall be encumbered <br /> by the recipient within three years of the date when the appropriation became effective. The Director of Parks and Rec- <br /> reation, through the Office of Historic Preservation, shall prepare and adopt criteria and procedures for evaluating those <br /> competitive grants. <br /> An individual jurisdiction may enter into an agreement with a nonprofit organization for the purpose of carrying out <br /> a grant, subject to the requirements of Section 5917. <br /> 5913. The funds authorized in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) of Section 5907 shall be available as grants on a <br /> competitive basis to local units of government, and nonprofit organizations authorized to provide park, recreation, or <br /> open-space services or facilities to the general public. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall prepare and adopt criteria <br /> and procedures for evaluating those competitive grants for trail development. <br /> 5914. An application for a grant pursuant to subdivision fa) or (b) of Section 5907 shall be submitted to the Director <br /> of Parks and Recreation for review and approval; an application for a grant pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 5907 <br /> shall be submitted to the Director of the State Coastal Conservancy for review and approval; an application for a grant <br /> pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (e) of Section 5907 shall be submitted to the Director of Fish and Game for review <br /> and approval; an application for a grant pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) of Section 5907 shall be submitted <br /> to the Director of Forestry for review and approval; an application for a grant pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision <br /> (e) of Section 5907 shall be submitted to the Director of Water Resources for review and approval; and an application for <br /> a grant pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (e) of Section 5907 shall be submitted to the Director of the Santa Monica <br /> Mountains Conservancy for review and approval. <br /> 5915. (a) Any member of the Legislature, the State Park and Rec~edti~n 'CammiSsion, the California Coastal Com- <br /> mission, or the Secretary of the Resources Agency may nominate any project to be funded under paragraph (2) of sub- <br /> division (b) of Section 5907 for study by the Department of Parks and Recreation. The State Park and Recreation <br /> Commission shall nominate projects after holding at least one public hearing to seek project proposals from individuals, <br /> citizen groups, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and other public agencies. Any of the commissions shall make <br /> nominations by vote of its membership. <br /> (b) The Department of Parks and Recreation shall study any project so nominated. In addition to the procedures <br /> required by Section 5006, the Department of Parks and Recreation shall submit to the Legislature and to the Secretary <br /> of the Resources Agency a report consisting of a priority listing and comparative evaluation of all projects nominated for <br /> study not later than March 1, 1989. <br /> 5916. (a) Acquisition of real property for the state park system by purchase or by eminent domain shall be under the <br />Property Acquisition Law (Part 11 (commencing with Section 15850) of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code). <br /> (b) Work efforts for stewardship purposes pursuant to subparagraph (H) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section <br />5907 may include, but are not limited to, objectives such as the control of major erosion and geologic hazards, the restoration <br />and improvement of critical plant and animal habitat, the control and elimination of exotic species encroachment, the <br />stabilization of coastal dunes and bluffs, and the planning necessary to implement those activities. Those efforts may not <br />include activities which merely supplement park system operations or which are usually funded from other sources. <br /> 5917. Funds granted pursuant to Section 5907 may be expertdeal for development, rehabilitation, or restoration only <br />on lands owned by, or subject to a lease or other interest, held by the applicant city, county, city and county, district, or <br />nonprofit organization. If those lands are not owned by the applicant, the applicant shall first demonstrate to the sat- <br />isfaction of the administering agency that the project will provide public benefits commensurate with the type and duration <br />of interest in land held by the applicant. <br /> 5918. Every expenditure pursuant to this division shall comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (Di- <br />vision 13 (commencing with Section 21000)). <br /> 5919. (a) No state funds authorized under Section 5907 may be disbursed unless the applicant agrees: <br /> ( 1 ) To maintain and operate the property acquired, developed, rehabilitated, or restored with the funds in perpetuity. <br />With the approval of the granting agency, the applicant or its successors in interest in the property may transfer the <br />responsibility to maintain and operate the property in accordance with this section. <br /> (2) To use the property only for the purposes of this division and to make no other use, sale, or other disposition of <br />the property except as authorized by specific act of the Legislature. <br /> All applicants for a grant pursuant to paragraph f3) of subdivision (b) and pursuant to subdivisions I cL (d), and (e) <br />of Section 5907 shall submit an application to the administering agency for grant approval. Each application shall include <br />in writing the agreements specified in paragraphs ( 1 t and (2) of this subdivision. <br /> The agreements specified in paragraphs (1) and 12) of this subdivision shall not prevent the transfer of property <br />acquired, developed, rehabilitated, or restored with funds authorized pursuant to Section 5907 from the applicant to a <br />public agency, provided the successor public agency assumes the obligations imposed by those agreements. <br /> (b) If the use of the property acquired through grants pursuant to this division is changed to one other than permitted <br />under the category from which the funds were appropriated, or the property is sold or otherwise disposed of. an amount <br />equal to the (1) amount of the grant, (2) the fair market value of the real property, or (3) the proceeds from the portion <br />thereof, acquired, developed, rehabilitated, or restored with the grant shall be used by the grantee, subject to subdivision <br />la), for a purpose authorized in that category or shall be reimbursed to the fund and be available for appropriation only <br />for a use authorized in that category. <br /> If the property sold or otherwise disposed of is less than the entire interest in the property originally acquired, de- <br />veloped. rehabilitated, or restored with the grant, an amount equal to the proceeds or the fair market value of the property <br />interest sold or otherwise disposed of, whichever is greater. shall be used by the grantee, subject to subdivision (at of this <br />section, for a purpose authorized in that category or shall be reimbursed to the fund and be available for appropriation <br />only for a use authorized .;n that catego~'. <br /> 5920. (a) All real property acquired pursuant to this division shall be acquired in compliance with Chapter 16 (com- <br />mencing with Section 7260) of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code. The administering agency shall prescribe <br />procedures sufficient to assure compliance by local public agencies and nonprofit organizations which receive funds under <br />Section 5907. <br /> (b) For the purposes of this division, acquisition may include gifts, purchases, leases. easements, the exercise of <br />eminent domain if expressly authorized, the transfer or exchange of property for other property of like value. transfers <br />of development rights or credits, and purchases of development rights and other interests. <br /> (c) All grants. gifts, devises, or bequests to the state. conditional or unconditional, for park, conservation. recreational. <br />agricultural, or other purposes for which real property may be acquired or developed pursuant to this division, may be <br />accepted and received on behalf of the state bv the appropriate departmental director with the approval of the Director <br />of Finance. The grants. gifts, devises, or bequests are available. when appropriated by the Legislature, for expenditure <br />for the purposes specified in Section 5907, <br /> 5921. (a) With respect to Section 5907, all appropriations for the purposes of subdivision (a), paragraph (2) of sub- <br />division (b), paragraph I I) of subdivision (d). and paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of subdivision (e) for the program shall <br />be included in a section of the Budget Bill for the 1989-90 fiscal year and each succeeding fiscal year for consideration by <br />the Legislature and shall bear the caption "California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Program." The <br />section shall contain separate items for each project. each class of project. or each element of the program for which an <br />appropriation is made. <br /> <br /> <br />