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3) An area shall be provided near the electrical panel for the "inverter" required to <br />convert the direct current output from the photovoltaic panels to alternating <br />current. <br />These measures shall be shown on the building permit plan set submitted to the Planning <br />Director for review and approval before issuance of the first building permit. The project <br />developer shall provide the future homeowners the necessary information delineating the <br />means by which photovoltaic panels can be applied to the roofs of the structures covered by <br />this approval. This information shall be submitted tot the Planning Director for review and <br />approval prior to the occupancy of the first unit. <br />24. The electrical plan for this home shall provide telecommunications infrastructure consistent <br />with state-of--the-art methods, e.g., cabling for DSL, broadband, or wireless service, wiring <br />for total room access, etc., in effect at the time that building permit(s) are issued. The plan <br />shall be part of the building permits issued for plumbing and electrical <br />Parcel Map Requirements: <br />25. With the parcel map, the project developer shall set forth the common open <br />space/maintenance areas of the proposed development and maintenance responsibilities. <br />The project developer shall record CC&R's at the time of recordation of the final <br />subdivision map, which shall create a maintenance association for the development. The <br />CC&R's shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney prior to <br />recordation of the final map. The maintenance association shall be responsible for the <br />maintenance of all private utilities, the common access driveway, and other common areas <br />and facilities on the site. The City shall be granted the rights and remedies of the <br />association, but not the obligation, to enforce the maintenance responsibilities of the <br />property owners association. <br />26. A conservation easement shall be recorded over the open space portion of Parcel C. <br />Wording for the easement shall be submitted to the City Attorney for review and approval. <br />Disclosure/Deed Restriction/Clause Conditions <br />27. Prior to recordation of the parcel map, a deed restriction shall be recorded on all lots <br />covered by this approval shall and shall include the following: <br />a. A clause which states that the property is in an area subject to noise, dust, and <br />vibration levels from gravel harvesting and processing and that the City of <br />Pleasanton is not liable for possible damages due to such impacts. <br />b. A disclosure statement shall be provided to prospective purchasers and tenants by <br />lot owners, developers, and future successors in interest providing full disclosure <br />of the potential for: <br />Future mining operations within the Specific Plan Area. <br />