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for concurrent review, comment, and approval for the follow- <br /> ing stages of project completion: 30 percent and 90 percent. <br /> <br />Task 2-2.2: Special Provisions <br /> <br />Assemble relevant Special Provisions based on the latest <br />version of Caltrans Standard Special Provisions to the Stan- <br />dard Specifications. Modify the Standard Special Provisions <br />and draft new Special Provisions as needed to define the <br />work. Prepare a set of Dummy Special Provisions for sub- <br />mittal to the CITY and Caltrans for formal concurrent review <br />and approval. <br /> <br />Task 2-2.3: Estimates and Bid Proposal <br /> <br />Perform detailed quantity takeoffs including item descrip- <br />tions and units in conformance with Caltrans BEES format and <br />requirements. Develop unit cost information from Caltrans <br />Contract Cost Data and local sources. Prepare engineer's <br />estimate showing items, quantities, costs, and total project <br />construction cost. Develop a bid proposal for inclusion in <br />the bidding documents for use by contractors in preparing <br />and submitting construction bids. <br /> <br />Task 2-2.4: Final Design SurVeys <br /> <br />Perform field surveys to collect data for final design. <br />Prepare and file a Caltrans monumentation map. Installation <br />and establishment of permanent monumentation for any purpose <br />is not included as part of this work scope. <br /> <br />TASK 2-3: FINALIZE PS&E <br /> <br />The purpose of this task is to respond to the review com- <br />ments of the 90 percent complete PS&E by the CITY, Caltrans <br />District 4, Caltrans Headquarters, FHWA and other required <br />agencies. A meeting with the CITY, Caltrans and the CON- <br />SULTANT will be held to establish a list of mutually agreed <br />upon changes. The CONSULTANT shall then make such changes <br />to the satisfaction of Caltrans. Subsequent revisions re- <br />quired by additional reviews after incorporation of these <br />modifications shall be considered extra work. Provide one <br />set of final original special provisions and estimate, and <br />one set of full size final composite mylar plan sheets to <br />the CITY. <br /> <br />TASK 2-4: BIDDING ASSISTANCE <br /> <br />The purpose of this task is to assist the CITY during the <br />bidding phases of the project. The work will include the <br />following tasks: <br /> <br /> - 6 - <br /> <br /> <br />