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Draft <br />2.0 Land Use Element <br />Program 23.5: Encourage local employers to hire locally. <br />Program 23.6: Use the City's housing programs to encourage people who <br />work in Pleasanton to live in Pleasanton. <br />Polity 24: Integrate land-use and transportation planning in order to ensure patterns that <br />facilitate safe and convenient mobility of people and goods at a reasonable cost, <br />and to increase travel alternatives to the single-occupant automobiles. <br />Program 24.1: Reduce the need for vehicular traffic by locating employment, <br />residential, and service activities close together, and plan <br />development so it is easily accessible by transit, bicycle, and <br />on foot. <br />Program 24.2: Encourage the reuse of vacant and underutilized parcels and <br />buildings within existing urban areas. <br />Program 24.3: Encourage transit-compatible development near BART <br />stations, along transportation corridors, in business parks and <br />the Downtown, and at other activity centers. <br />Program 24.4: Permit higher residential and commercial densities in the <br />proximity of transportation corridors and hubs. <br />Program 24.5: Assure that new major commercial, office, and institutional <br />centers are adequately served by transit and by pedestrian and <br />bicycle facilities. <br />Program 24.6: Use design features in new development and redeveloped <br />areas to encourage transit, birycle, and pedestrian access, such <br />as connections between activity centers and residential areas, <br />and road design that accommodates transit vehicles. <br />Program 24.7 Encourage small-scale neighborhood telecommuting centers <br />and the infrastructure needed to support them in or near <br />residential areas to enable residents to work close to home. <br />Program 24.8 Encourage land development that is compatible with <br />alternative transportation modes and the use of trails. <br />Policy 25 : When setting land-use policy and when reviewing potential development <br />proposals, make energy use and the environment important considerations. <br />lU element 082107 clean 2-34 <br />