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G. Air Quality Impacts <br />(emissions, odors, change in microclimate) <br />Emissions should not change significantly as a result of this project. The square <br />footage of existing uses are not proposed to be changed & parking spaces will be <br />provided in at least the same quantity as now existing. The proposed street <br />location would slightly reduce vehicle miles travelled by providing a more <br />centralized access point for existing & proposed uses versus the existing street <br />pattern which would require a less direct and more lengthy route from the northern <br />edge of the development. <br />5. F.'ater Related Impacts <br />(runoff, flood hazard, quality and quantity of surface and <br />ground waters) <br />Changes in runoff characteristics of the area should he insignificant. As the <br />parking areas will be reestablished for each existing use, the total amount of <br />off-street impervious surfaces would be similar to existing conditions. The <br />street area to be abandoned will probably be utilized for future parking or <br />landscaping areas. <br />d <br />O <br />RT <br />E <br />6. Plant and Animal Impacts <br />(effect on existing, ecosystem, rare or endangered species, etc.) <br />The area has been previously disturbed due-to .prior & current site development. <br />Existing landscaping that may have to he removed will be replaced with new land- <br />°^aping in the proposed street median and along the new street frontages created <br />the realignment. <br />7. Transportation/Circulation Impacts <br />(additionai traffic, congestion, park~.~g~, ha~ards e[~ <br />The project area will continue to have {rontage on o son r., ~ pu 1 c street. <br />The construction of the new street section & the .abandonment of the existing secti <br />will be coordinated with the widening of the street right-of-way & other related <br />improvements to accommodate the projected traffic increase. The plan will elfminat <br />the sharp curve in the existing Johnson Dr. roadoray at the Hopyard Rd. intersectio, <br />& would reduce the constraints on circulation patterns in that area. A median <br />break will be provided along the neca street section to facilitate access to existi <br />commercial uses. Left-turn pockets will be provided to allow for U-turn movements. <br />The proposed driveway entrance to the office building may result in congestion <br />.due to its proximity to the intersection. The maintenance of clear sight distance <br />between the intersecting streets & the installation of an appropriate turning <br />radius should allow for efficient traffic flora. Interior circulation & parking <br />areas for the existing comm'1 uses will be reoriented toward the new street fronta', <br />In anticipation of increased traffic & improvements along Hopyard Road, the existi. <br />driveway on ::opyard toad south of the Carnation Restaurant will be eliminated due <br />to the c+~rva.t+±re of tha roa.f x, poor sight distance. The new street section will <br />intersect with the proposed Ocaens Court & Bannister Dr. and will provide for <br />immediate and centralized access to the proposed rovedecuhdeusaclplansto anThe <br />proposed construction of Owens Court from the app <br />intersection with Bannister Dr. will provide a looped network & flexibility in <br />circulation. As this project does not include any changes in land uses, traffic <br />'evels should not be changed significantly from previously projected levels. Traff <br />.astbound on Johnson Dr. will be required to travel through the barkinssapeas mayc <br />rather than along the existing frontage road. Building sites & p g <br />be adjusted where necessary to accommodate circulation changes & the appropriate <br />intensity of development. <br />M <br />u <br />N <br />~: <br />M <br />-~- <br />