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6. That notice shall be given to all <br />the subject property and Hopyard <br />meet of street widening.. <br />7. That the street widening shall be <br />and good access maintained to all <br />widening. <br />commercial users between <br />toad prior to the commence- <br />done as rapidly as possible <br />adjacent property during <br />$. Since construction may commence on the subject property <br />:prior to construction on the Meyers property, development <br />of the former shall be allowed as long as the Johnson <br />Drive/Hopyard Road intersection does not reach service level <br />E. The developer shall be required to perform a traffic <br />.analysis at time of design review for each newly proposed <br />.building to determine. whether traffic generated by that <br />building would cause the intersection to reach service level <br />E. If the analysis indicates that level E would be reached, <br />no further development will be allowed until construction <br />has commenced on the Hopyard connection through the Meyers <br />property or other mitigating actions have been taken to <br />ensure that service level E will not be reached at the <br />Johnson Drive/Hopyard Road intersection. <br />9. That the developer shall enter into an agreement with the <br />City agreeing to pay for their appropriate share of an <br />assessment district or districts far the construction of <br />facilities necessary for the amelioration of traffic con- <br />gestion caused by development on the subject property. These <br />facilities may be discussed in the North Pleasanton Traffic <br />Study (i.e. widening of Hopyard Road, widening of-Hopyard <br />Road interchange, construction of Stoneridge Interchange, <br />construction of a signal at Hopyard Road/Meyers Road, synchron- <br />ization of traffic signals on Hopyard Road, ..etc.) and other <br />facilities deemed necessary by the City. Credit shall be <br />given in the assessment district to Reynolds and Brown for <br />work which they have performed on the Johnson Drive/Hopyard <br />Road intersection as required by condition 5. The agreement <br />shall be entered .into prior to approval of a final map. <br />10. beatransportedltoltheeproperty viahtheufreewaystrathersthan <br />City streets. <br />11. That the developer shall install street frontage improve- <br />ments for the entire Johnson Drive frontage of the subject <br />property per ordinance and condition number 5 above, all to <br />the satisfaction of the City Engineer at or before the time <br />of construction of the first building on the subject property. <br />These improvements may include, but are not necessarily limited <br />to grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk paving, storm drain, <br />sanitary sewer,. water facilities, street lighting, underground <br />utilities and traffic control devices. <br />-2- <br />