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EYHIBIT A <br />COidDITI0P15 ATTACHED <br />TO PUD-80-14 <br />1. The maximum building floor area within a site shall be <br />40% while the overall building floor area of all structures <br />on the subject property shall be a maximum of 33%. <br />2. That the development shall be constructed substantially <br />as indicated on the development plan, Exhibit A, on file <br />with the Planning Division. <br />3. That since the development plan does not show the specific <br />design of buildings to be constructed on the property, all <br />buildings and individual site landscaping and parking shall <br />require approval by the Design Review Board prior to issuance <br />of building permits. <br />4. That the applicant be reminded that a condition of approval <br />of the general plan amendment (GP-79-12) for the subject <br />property is that the main point of access to the development <br />shall be via a road extending from Hopyard RYOdeihroand that <br />Gothschalk Paperbox Paper Company (t4eyers) p p y <br />a traffic signal at the intersection of this access road and <br />Hopyard Road shall be installed at no cost to the City when.. <br />determined by the City Council. <br />5. That because of the traffic generated by the development <br />on the subject property, Johnson Drive shall be widened at . <br />full expense to the developer from Hopyard Road to the <br />western property line of the subject property. The roadway <br />shall be sufficient to accommodate a left-turn lane, a <br />combined left-turn through lane and a right-turn lane at the <br />Johnson Drive/Hopyard Road intersection. For the remaining <br />distance west, the developer shall install additional pavement, <br />curb and gutter to provide for a 14 ft. through lane westbound, <br />a 12 ft. left-turn lane into the project, a 12 ft. through <br />lane eastbound, and a 14 ft. free right-turn lane into and <br />out of the project with a separated 8 ft. bike-pedestrian <br />way. within the landscaped setback area. The curb to curb <br />width for this section is 52 ft. The exact amount of widening <br />and street improvements required to accomplish this shall be <br />determined during final design by the developer's engineer <br />and the City. This work shall be done prior to issuance of <br />a building permit for the first building cn the site or in <br />conjunction with the construction of the first building(s) <br />on the property. The City Engineer will have the authority <br />to modify these requirements based on further input from the <br />developer and the .developer's traffic engineer. <br />-1- <br />