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would be a good opportunity for youth to have a fitness center where they could exercise <br />and have fun at the same time. The equipment would be primarily cardiovascular <br />equipment connected to P1ayStation 2 games. There would also be standazd fitness <br />equipment but lighter in weight and smaller in size than adult fitness equipment. There <br />would be no free weight equipment that could cause potential injury to the children. <br />There will also be personal trainers on staff, who would be available to the pazents of the <br />children as well. Adult training sessions would occur during the off-hours and would be <br />limited to one or two sessions at any one time. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regazding the presence of pazents, <br />Mr. Jones replied that the pazents could drop their children off for a workout. Member <br />cannot use the facility for more than 90 minutes at any one time. There will be a seating <br />azea with coffee, beverages, and cold snacks for pazents who wish to wait for their <br />children. He believed that most of the members would be in the teenage range, and day <br />Gaze would not be an issue. Children aged between 9 and 11 years old would comprise a <br />smaller percentage of overall membership, and their pazents will be accommodated if <br />they wished to stay. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding whether he had checked with <br />the State of California Community Care Licensing to find out whether the proposed hours <br />would require obtaining a license or an exemption from the agency, Mr. Jones replied <br />that he had not. <br />Chairperson Arkin noted that he often saw pazents dropping off their teens to work out at <br />the facility he belongs to and that it had never been an issue. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Fox expressed concern about after-school caze in a fitness facility and felt <br />uncomfortable with the lack of an exemption letter from Community Care Licensing. <br />She indicated that she could support this project if the applicant obtained an exemption <br />letter from the State. <br />Mr. Roush did not have information on whether this use would fall within the parameters <br />of requiring an exemption. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that teen dances, for instance, generally had strict rules <br />surrounding that use. . <br />Commissioner Fox expressed concern about the liability issues as well as the use. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 7 of 19 <br />