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Mr. Roush noted that a bond was a standard condition and allowed the City to take <br />immediate action if there was a problem with erosion control. The bond was typically for <br />$5,000. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Maas moved to approve PDR-502, subject to the condifions of <br />approval as listed on Exhibit B of the staff report, as recommended by staff, with a <br />modification to Condition No. 63.b. regarding the trash areas that the phrase "or as <br />otherwise approved by the City Engineer" be added at the end of the second <br />sentence. <br />Chairperson Fox seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Arkin, Blank, Fox, Maas, and Pearce. <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />RECUSED: None. <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Roberts. <br />Resolution No. PC-2006-03 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br />~ c. PUD-81-02-2M/PCUP-149, RClub Interactive Fitness <br />Application for: (1) a minor modification to an approved PUD development plan <br />(PUD-81-02) to conditionally permit fitness facilities; and (2) a conditional use <br />permit to operate such facility in an existing building located at 11533 Dublin <br />Canyon Road. Zoning for the property is PUD - C-O (Planned Unit Development <br />-Commercial-Office) District. <br />Ms. Decker summarized the staff report and detailed the layout and background of the <br />application. Staff recommended approval of this item. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Peazce regazding how the trip rate would be <br />affected since this use only had afternoon hours, Ms. Decker replied that the analysis <br />showed that the uses could be interpreted to be somewhat more intensive than office, but <br />it averaged out to have no additional impact on the site versus the actual previous office <br />use of the site. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Doug Jones, applicant, noted that the fitness center would be tazgeted towards youth aged <br />9 to 17 years old. The center would be open between 3:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., Monday <br />through Friday. He noted that youth do not generally get enough exercise and that he and <br />his wife had done considerable research on youth health and obesity. He believed this <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 6 of 19 <br />