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Commissioner Maas noted that while she realized this was an infill project, she was <br />~- concerned about the dwindling amount of open space. She believed the houses could be <br />a little smaller; she realized the rationale behind two-story homes but would like to see a <br />ranch-style home occasionally. She would like to see what else could go on that lot, as <br />well as a visual from the convalescent hospital. <br />Commissioner Fox was concerned about the loss of Public-and-Institutional-zoned areas, <br />especially when it is converted to residential zoning. She liked the fact that it was <br />subdivided into two lots but would like to see the views of the project from the skilled <br />nursing facility. She did not want that building to be walled in. She expressed concern <br />about construction noise and mitigation for the residents in the nursing facility. She <br />would like to see a streetscape to get a better idea of the scale. She would like to see a <br />more detailed landscaping design for the back of the site. She generally supported this <br />project. <br />Chairperson Arkin agreed that a streetscape would be a valuable tool in assessing this <br />project. He suggested the use of story poles so the residents could see what it looked <br />like. He believed the home sizes were slightly smaller in compazison to other homes in <br />town and suggested that basements be added to the homes so the footprint could be <br />smaller. <br />Mr. Townsend noted that they had considered walk-out basements in an earlier version of <br />the design. <br />Commissioner Maas noted that this piece of property would be developed eventually, and <br />suggested that if the neighbors could work with these applicants, they should do so. She <br />noted that there was no guazantee about the motives of unknown future developers. <br />Ms. Decker suggested that the applicant prepare an elevation, showing how the proposed <br />development fits into the neighborhood. <br />No action was taken. <br />7. MATTERS INITIATED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Tree Appraisals <br />Commissioner Maas had been surprised by the discussion of the forestry fund and tree <br />appraisals and noted that she could generally tell the condition of trees. She had not <br />realized that the appraisals were negotiable and was concerned about that. <br />Ms. Decker noted that the Code allowed the Planning Director to have some discretion <br />related to the appraised values. She noted that if there were a lazge difference between <br />appraised values, it would be brought to the Planning Commission. She added that <br />appraisals were examined on a case-by-case basis, that staff did not indiscriminately <br />change the values, and that the negotiations were generally held before the application is <br />brought to the Planning Commission. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 17 of 19 <br />